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How to change surface data in B1850 case?

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Jie Hsu

Jie Hsu
New Member
I will attempt to change the land surface data after the first month. The steps are as follows:

First step:

### create case ###




./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=hybrid

./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=0001-01-01

./xmlchange RUN_REFCASE=B1850_CTR

./xmlchange RUN_REFDATE=0006-01-01

./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME="48:00:00"


echo "fsurdat = '/work1/u7719052/2pct_model_forcing_v2/'" >> user_nl_clm

echo "use_init_interp = .true." >> user_nl_clm # Error reading landunit CESM2_1_2

echo "inithist='ENDOFRUN'" >> user_nl_cam

echo "init_interp_method = 'general'" >> user_nl_clm # Error reading landunit CESM2_1_2

echo "check_dynpft_consistency = .false." >> user_nl_clm

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nmonths

./xmlchange STOP_N=1

./xmlchange REST_OPTION=nmonths

./xmlchange REST_N=1

./xmlchange RESUBMIT=0

./xmlchange DOUT_S=TRUE

./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=ct1k

./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=ct112 --subgroup case.st_archive

./xmlchange CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART=off

./ --skip-provenance-check


Second Step:

I successfully ran and outputted a one-month simulation, then used ./xmlchange CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE

Next, I will use the cp command to change to another conserved land surface data file for the following month. In, we conserve PCT_NAT_PFT but repartition the proportions of PCT_NAT_PFT.


Error message in case folder:

ERROR: RUN FAIL: Command 'mpiexec -n 768 /work1/u7719052/scratch/B1850_DEF_01/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1 ' failed

See log file for details: /work1/u7719052/scratch/B1850_DEF_01/run/cesm.log.29685.240526-143550



Staff member
You ran 1 month successfully. Then you restarted with a new fsurdat file and got the error. Did I understand correctly?

If so, then the error message that you got, already tells you what to do:
use_init_interp = .true.
But if you are already doing that, then I would consider changing from a restart run (CONTINUE = .true.) to a branch or hybrid run:
Restart runs don't let you change things very easily.
Branch allow some changes.
Hybrid runs are more flexible.
Startup runs are the most flexible.
Point to the finidat and fsurdat files that you want in user_nl_clm, and at least one of these options should work.

Jie Hsu

Jie Hsu
New Member
You ran 1 month successfully. Then you restarted with a new fsurdat file and got the error. Did I understand correctly?

If so, then the error message that you got, already tells you what to do:
use_init_interp = .true.
But if you are already doing that, then I would consider changing from a restart run (CONTINUE = .true.) to a branch or hybrid run:
Restart runs don't let you change things very easily.
Branch allow some changes.
Hybrid runs are more flexible.
Startup runs are the most flexible.
Point to the finidat and fsurdat files that you want in user_nl_clm, and at least one of these options should work.
Thank you for your reply.

In my first step: echo "use_init_interp = .true."
and my second step: "./xmlchange CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE"

but, it didn't work...


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Setting CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE means that you are requesting a restart which is not an appropriate choice if you are changing the surface dataset. Try a branch or hybrid run by setting RUN_TYPE to either branch or hybrid and CONTINUE_RUN=FALSE. The documentation on RUN_TYPE in env_run.xml provides details on each of these run types.
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