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How to convert mass emission (kg/m2/s) to emission (molecules/cm3/s)?


Hi, everyone. I have 1 question about the unit convertion.

I want to use CEDS emission data to simulate. I want to use the emission from aircraft so I think I must convert its unit (kg/m2/s) to molecules/cm3/s. I try to calculate but I do not know if my calculation is right.

My calculation is:
y (molecules/cm^3/s)= Emissions (kg/m^2/s) × N_Av (molecules/mol) ÷ MW (g/mol) × 1000 (g/kg) ÷ 1000000 (cm^2/m^2) ÷ altitude interface (km, I found the altitude interface=0.61km, so here I fix it to be 0.61) ÷ 1000 (km/m)
(ps:the level (i.e., altitude) of CEDS data is:level = 0.305, 0.915, 1.525, 2.135, 2.745, 3.355, 3.965, 4.575, 5.185, 5.795, 6.405, 7.015, 7.625, 8.235, 8.845, 9.455, 10.065, 10.675, 11.285, 11.895, 12.505, 13.115, 13.725, 14.335, 14.945 km)

But compared with, I found my results was about 10^1 times smaller.
I suspect there might be wrong with my calculation process but I do not know how I can solve it.

I need your help!


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
This topic is specific to the atmosphere model CAM and the atmosphere chemistry model CAM-CHEM, so I'm moving it there.

Danny Leung

New Member
Hi xnnzka-
I rewrote your equation below to make it clear to myself. I changed the conversion factors in bold. I didn't see big issues in your conversion. I am not familiar with CEDS emissions, but I think emission files can be reasonably different (by an order of magnitude).
y (molecules/cm^3/s)= Emissions (kg/m^2/s) × N_Av (molecules/mol) × 1/MW (mol/g) × 1000 (g/kg) × 1/10000 (m^2/cm^2) × 0.61km × 1/1000 (km/m) × 1/100 (m/cm)
One thing is that CAM's lowest level grid is less than 610 m and so you might want to compare the two emission files at the same height. Check these history variables: HEIGHT and Z3, for CAM vertical grid interface and for grid mid-point height.
I suppose you have checked through these already, but you can double check if the year of concerns from both datasets are the same, or if they provide S or SO2 emissions (in which case the molecular weight MW can be different).


Hi xnnzka-
I rewrote your equation below to make it clear to myself. I changed the conversion factors in bold. I didn't see big issues in your conversion. I am not familiar with CEDS emissions, but I think emission files can be reasonably different (by an order of magnitude).
y (molecules/cm^3/s)= Emissions (kg/m^2/s) × N_Av (molecules/mol) × 1/MW (mol/g) × 1000 (g/kg) × 1/10000 (m^2/cm^2) × 0.61km × 1/1000 (km/m) × 1/100 (m/cm)
One thing is that CAM's lowest level grid is less than 610 m and so you might want to compare the two emission files at the same height. Check these history variables: HEIGHT and Z3, for CAM vertical grid interface and for grid mid-point height.
I suppose you have checked through these already, but you can double check if the year of concerns from both datasets are the same, or if they provide S or SO2 emissions (in which case the molecular weight MW can be different).
Hi, Danny.
Very thanks for your suggestion and work!
The emission file I compared with: is originated from CEDS version 2017 and mine is CEDS version 2024 (so I am not sure if they have so big difference).
And I also checked the height and height interface, they are the same. I compared the same year (1990) data between both.
About the MW, I use the CESM official MW excel form.
You are very careful because you think about many probable reason. I think after I double check, I might email to official to ask this question. Your calculation give me confidence because I think there must calculation error in my conversion equation these days.If there are any developments, I will update here.


Great! Do post it here if you get a resolution and find it helpful for others!
Hi, Danny

I just spent Chinese New Year holidy so I've been a little slow in updating the news. I have emailed to Jean-Francois and he gives similar comments with you. I plan to discuss it with my supervisor next week and also welcome any suggestions and comments from whom sees this thread.


My equation has a typo: 1000000 (cm^2/m^2) should be 1000000 (cm^3/m^3).

Corrected as here:
y (molecules/cm^3/s)= Emissions (kg/m^2/s) × N_Av (molecules/mol) ÷ MW (g/mol) × 1000 (g/kg) ÷ 1000000 (cm^3/m^3) ÷ altitude interface (km, I found the altitude interface=0.61km, so here I fix it to be 0.61) ÷ 1000 (km/m)

Danny Leung

New Member
Hi xnnzka-
Thanks for updating! Let us know if you have updates with your unit conversion after discussing with others.


Hi xnnzka-
Thanks for updating! Let us know if you have updates with your unit conversion after discussing with others.
Hi, Danny

After asking my my supervisor, he kindly provided me a website (cesm-cmip6-emissions/historical_emissions/ at main · lkemmons/cesm-cmip6-emissions). I recently have something else to do so I have not yet carefully compared my calculations with those in this code. But I think I would write a new code to calculate my emission file with reference to this github.

I hope this website could give some help for whom recently prepare for their own emission files.

Thanks for your help and ongoing attention.

Danny Leung

New Member
Hi xnnzka, thanks for the update and the information! The page will be helpful to those who are working on the same problem.