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how to find the same tracer quantity in physics and dynamics

Hello,I am trying to compare tracer values in the phys_state structure with tracer values in the dyn_out structure.  In other words, if I know the value of a tracer at a certain column, chunk, and vertical level, is there any way to find the dynamics tracer that represents the same value at the same location?  For example, can I find indices i, j, and k in the dynamics such that
phys_state(lchnk)%q(some_column, k, tracer_index) = dyn_out%tracer(i, j, k, tracer_index).
I have looked in the dp_coupling.F90 subroutines, but thosemethods seem quite complicated (especially given that I am running in parallel), and I don't think I really understand them.  My apologies if this is not the correct forum, but any help anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.Thanks, and have a great day!


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
Hi Jesse,Which dycore are your using ? I am going to assmue you use Finite Volume (FV)## On the physics side:there are functions that allow you to find the latitude and longitude of a chunck.
get_rlat_p and get_rlon_p  ## On the dynamics side,I am not aware of similar functions in the dynamics. I assume that once you have determined the lat/lon in the physics, you could count what would be the corresponding index in the dyamics.    


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
Hi Jesse,Which dycore are your using ? I am going to assmue you use Finite Volume (FV)## On the physics side:there are functions that allow you to find the latitude and longitude of a chunck.
get_rlat_p and get_rlon_p  ## On the dynamics side,I am not aware of similar functions in the dynamics. I assume that once you have determined the lat/lon in the physics, you could count what would be the corresponding index in the dyamics.    


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
Hi Jesse,Which dycore are your using ? I am going to assmue you use Finite Volume (FV)## On the physics side:there are functions that allow you to find the latitude and longitude of a chunck.
get_rlat_p and get_rlon_p  ## On the dynamics side,I am not aware of similar functions in the dynamics. I assume that once you have determined the lat/lon in the physics, you could count what would be the corresponding index in the dyamics.    


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
Hi Jesse,Which dycore are your using ? I am going to assmue you use Finite Volume (FV)## On the physics side:there are functions that allow you to find the latitude and longitude of a chunck.
get_rlat_p and get_rlon_p  ## On the dynamics side,I am not aware of similar functions in the dynamics. I assume that once you have determined the lat/lon in the physics, you could count what would be the corresponding index in the dyamics.    


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
Hi Jesse,Which dycore are your using ? I am going to assmue you use Finite Volume (FV)## On the physics side:there are functions that allow you to find the latitude and longitude of a chunck.
get_rlat_p and get_rlon_p  ## On the dynamics side,I am not aware of similar functions in the dynamics. I assume that once you have determined the lat/lon in the physics, you could count what would be the corresponding index in the dyamics.    
Hi Cecile,
Thanks for the suggestion!  I am using the FV dycore (as you correctly assumed), so I will try using the latitudes and longitudes sometime over the next few weeks.  I will update this thread if I have any sucess.Jesse
Hi Cecile,
Thanks for the suggestion!  I am using the FV dycore (as you correctly assumed), so I will try using the latitudes and longitudes sometime over the next few weeks.  I will update this thread if I have any sucess.Jesse
Hi Cecile,
Thanks for the suggestion!  I am using the FV dycore (as you correctly assumed), so I will try using the latitudes and longitudes sometime over the next few weeks.  I will update this thread if I have any sucess.Jesse
Hi Cecile,
Thanks for the suggestion!  I am using the FV dycore (as you correctly assumed), so I will try using the latitudes and longitudes sometime over the next few weeks.  I will update this thread if I have any sucess.Jesse
Hi Cecile,
Thanks for the suggestion!  I am using the FV dycore (as you correctly assumed), so I will try using the latitudes and longitudes sometime over the next few weeks.  I will update this thread if I have any sucess.Jesse