I use cesm 1.0.5 and the F compset.The default sst file is : hurrell_sst_ifrac.1x1.050606.nc , given the grid set is f09_g16.But I do not know what years are used to create the climatology sst in the hurrell_sst_ifrac.1x1.050606.nc file. So I want to download the Hurrell 2008 sst dataset to create the desired climatology sst. I knew the description website is :
http://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/guidance/merged-hadley-noaaoi-sea-surface-temperature-sea-ice-concentration-hurrell-et-al-2008But when I linked to the download web,http://cdp.ucar.edu/browse/browse.htm?uri=http://dataportal.ucar.edu/metadata/cgd/had_oi_merged/had_oi_merged.thredds.xmlIt says :Access DeniedYou don't have enough privileges to access the requested resource.
You can apply for group membership here. So how can I download the Hurrell 2008 sst file?Thank you
http://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/guidance/merged-hadley-noaaoi-sea-surface-temperature-sea-ice-concentration-hurrell-et-al-2008But when I linked to the download web,http://cdp.ucar.edu/browse/browse.htm?uri=http://dataportal.ucar.edu/metadata/cgd/had_oi_merged/had_oi_merged.thredds.xmlIt says :Access DeniedYou don't have enough privileges to access the requested resource.
You can apply for group membership here. So how can I download the Hurrell 2008 sst file?Thank you