New Member
Hi,I am a beginner to model, now I want to make some new input data to do some experiments with CAM4 on CCSM4_0.According to the icssst tool-060418( http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/atm-cam/download/ ), I download SST and sea ice data from NOAA (sst.mnmean.nc &icec.mnmean.nc, 1x1, Monthly means from 1981/12 to 2013/02http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.noaa.oisst.v2.html), which I want to make a sst bc file from 1982 to 2012 (31 years).Then I input commands below based on the readme file of the tool,./regrid -i ~/Desktop/icec.mnmean.nc -s ~/Desktop/sst.mnmean.nc -g ~/Desktop/fv_1.9x2.5.nc -o sstice.nc
the answer is: NetCDF: Variable not found. So whether the tool works in cam4 or did I do something wrong that I didn't realize? In the readme file, MODEL.had+oiv2.ice.mnly.49-01.ubf.nccan't be available in the internet, so I can not judge whether the sst.mnmean.nc's formats and varibles is right.Thanks for your reading, and I am hopefully for your response, thanks in advance!Zhou
the answer is: NetCDF: Variable not found. So whether the tool works in cam4 or did I do something wrong that I didn't realize? In the readme file, MODEL.had+oiv2.ice.mnly.49-01.ubf.nccan't be available in the internet, so I can not judge whether the sst.mnmean.nc's formats and varibles is right.Thanks for your reading, and I am hopefully for your response, thanks in advance!Zhou