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How to merge my model to CESM


Jinmu Luo

I am currently working on the tag ctsm5.2.005-222-g70e7f0466, and have developed my own model based on this tag. Right now, I want to merge my model with CESM2, but I don't know how to begin with, should merge my branch with any specific tag or I should download the CESM and copy my modifications into it?



Staff member
@jinmuluo the second choice seems the simpler one to me. Even so, you will encounter difficulties. For example, CESM2 has a much older version of the land model. Replacing it with your ctsm5.2.005 is unlikely to work without more complex changes, such as to "externals". So the more likely approach to work is bringing you modifications into the older version of the clm/ctsm that you will find in CESM2.


Jinmu Luo
@jinmuluo the second choice seems the simpler one to me. Even so, you will encounter difficulties. For example, CESM2 has a much older version of the land model. Replacing it with your ctsm5.2.005 is unlikely to work without more complex changes, such as to "externals". So the more likely approach to work is bringing you modifications into the older version of the clm/ctsm that you will find in CESM2.
Hi Sam,

One more question: where can I find the information about the CESM tag and CLM tag? For example, what's the best CESM tag for ctsm5.2.005 tag?



Staff member
@jinmuluo I rarely consider that question, so I had to think through how to find that information. Here's what I discovered:
- In one of the latest ctsm5.3 tags I searched through the /doc/ChangeLog file. In the vicinity of tag ctsm5.2.005 I searched for "cesm" and found that the cesm5.2.006 tag updated externals to cesm2_3_beta17, which suggests preparations for a new cesm tag.
- Two ctsm tags later I found "Tag name: tmp-240620.n01.ctsm5.2.007" and an explanation that we were waiting for the completion of a new cesm tag.
- I interpret this to mean that cesm2_3_beta17 likely includes ctsm5.2.007. That's probably the closest to ctsm5.2.005 that you will get. A complication for you, though NOT insurmountable, is that ctsm5.2.007 replaced "checkout_externals" with "git-fleximod" so after checking out cesm2_3_beta17 I would NOT just replace ctsm5.2.007 with 005. Instead I think you may find that your changes in 005 do not conflict with the changes from 005 to 007. If so, you should bring your work to 007 manually (possibly by just copying the relevant files but make sure you don't miss differences in your files from 005 to 007).
- In this version you cannot use ./manage_externals/checkout_externals. Instead type "./bin/git-fleximod update" and "./bin/git-fleximod --help"


Jinmu Luo
@jinmuluo I rarely consider that question, so I had to think through how to find that information. Here's what I discovered:
- In one of the latest ctsm5.3 tags I searched through the /doc/ChangeLog file. In the vicinity of tag ctsm5.2.005 I searched for "cesm" and found that the cesm5.2.006 tag updated externals to cesm2_3_beta17, which suggests preparations for a new cesm tag.
- Two ctsm tags later I found "Tag name: tmp-240620.n01.ctsm5.2.007" and an explanation that we were waiting for the completion of a new cesm tag.
- I interpret this to mean that cesm2_3_beta17 likely includes ctsm5.2.007. That's probably the closest to ctsm5.2.005 that you will get. A complication for you, though NOT insurmountable, is that ctsm5.2.007 replaced "checkout_externals" with "git-fleximod" so after checking out cesm2_3_beta17 I would NOT just replace ctsm5.2.007 with 005. Instead I think you may find that your changes in 005 do not conflict with the changes from 005 to 007. If so, you should bring your work to 007 manually (possibly by just copying the relevant files but make sure you don't miss differences in your files from 005 to 007).
- In this version you cannot use ./manage_externals/checkout_externals. Instead type "./bin/git-fleximod update" and "./bin/git-fleximod --help"
Hi Sam,

I want follow to the way how VOCs and methane are sent to CAM, but I find they are different, especially under the CESM code repository, cmep/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90

So, I am wondering has Methane been coupled to CAM?



Staff member
I am not aware. You may get a response to this question if you post it in a chemistry forum.