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how to modify atm_in

Hi!I am trying to search or understand which fortran code is responsable of modify or make the atm_in file. In the beginig I was thinking that was the preview_namelist who look at the user_nl_cam and then write the atm_in file, but I'm not sure.My point is:

I modified the and delete from them SO2 from the external forcing species.

However after build in the atm_in file still appears one line for SO2 for the ext_frc_spc
like thisext_frc_specifier              = 'NO2    -> /scratch/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/1850-2000_emis/',
         'SO2    -> /scratch/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/emis/' However in my chem_mech (which also I checked) doesn't appears, which is like I want.

So the question is... How I can say don't write a ext_frc for SO2??? Thanks for the help!Adriana 