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how to output other variable

qian yang

qian yang
dear all
I am running a case for simulation NPP. But I found that the onset of grass plant productivity is late. So I want to check SWI_sum 、FD_sum、t_offset these variable and find out what the problem is. But the history file do not have these variable. I want to know how to output these variables to a history file.
thank you


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The best way to do this is to compare to how and existing field is output to history. The key call that needs to be added is an hist_addfld call for the field at initialization. Most data modules contain an InitHistory subroutine that contains all of the hist_addfld calls. The one caveat to this is that you can only output persistent data arrays, if your fields are only local to one subroutine, you'll need to lift them to a higher level before they can be output.

qian yang

qian yang
Do you have any suggestions? I don't know which variable to look at for this phenomenon of delayed growth, are there any other variables involved?