There is a SNOWICE_ICE variable that outputs snow ice over just ice landunits, however, that will be an average of all ice landunits in the gridcell.
For information about individual columns you'll need to request 1d output in your simulation. So, for example, to generate a secondary 1d monthly history file stream for SNOWICE at the column level:
hist_mfilt(2) = 1
hist_dov2xy(2) = .false.
hist_nhtfrq(2) = 0
hist_type1d_pertape(2) = 'COLS'
hist_fincl2 = 'SNOWICE'
Some explanation of these namelist items can be found here:
There will be some supplementary information in that history file to help you map those columns to individual grid cells and to individual GLC_MEC classes:
double cols1d_lon(column) ;
cols1d_lon:long_name = "column longitude" ;
cols1d_lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double cols1d_lat(column) ;
cols1d_lat:long_name = "column latitude" ;
cols1d_lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
int cols1d_ixy(column) ;
cols1d_ixy:long_name = "2d longitude index of corresponding column" ;
int cols1d_jxy(column) ;
cols1d_jxy:long_name = "2d latitude index of corresponding column" ;
double cols1d_wtgcell(column) ;
cols1d_wtgcell:long_name = "column weight relative to corresponding gridcell" ;
double cols1d_wtlunit(column) ;
cols1d_wtlunit:long_name = "column weight relative to corresponding landunit" ;
int cols1d_itype_col(column) ;
cols1d_itype_col:long_name = "column type (see global attributes)" ;
int cols1d_itype_lunit(column) ;
cols1d_itype_lunit:long_name = "column landunit type (vegetated,urban,lake,wetland,glacier or glacier_mec)" ;
int cols1d_active(column) ;
cols1d_active:long_name = "true => do computations on this column" ;
cols1d_active:flag_values = 0, 1 ;
cols1d_active:flag_meanings = "FALSE TRUE" ;
cols1d_active:valid_range = 0, 1 ;