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How to replace the variable in finidat with the output from the restart file?

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New Member
Hello, I'm using IHistClm50BgcCrop in CESM2.1.3 and the resolution is f09_g17. I want to replace the variable in the initial file (finidat) with the output from the restart file. But I found the dimension size in the finidat file and the "r." file is different. For example, the variable "leafc" is [pft | 64847] in the finidat and [pft | 800154] in the restart file. How should I make the replacement?
Thanks in advance.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
If this is out of the box, then the initial file should be:

which has pft = 64847.

At run time, that initial file is interpolated to the resolution you are running at (f09_g17). A new initial file will be created in your run directory:

which has pft = 800154

So it seems like you could take leafc from the restart file and put it into and set finidat to that file and run the model.
You may also want to set use_init_interp = .false. since there shouldn't be a need to interpolate.
Caveat, I haven't tested any of this.
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