Hi sam,Your initial/restart file should contain the variables H2OSOI_LIQ and H2OSOI_ICE and the model should read those when initializing. Brainstorming very quickly, I think that you could modify the variables in the file, or you could modify the variables as soon as they get read by the model. You may find it useful to look through the variables in your initial/restart file in case you find others that you want to change as well.
Hi keith,It is the initial file specific to your case. The file specified by "finidat" in your lnd_in file.
Hi,Yes, you would redefine the location in your user_nl_clm.
Hi oleson, how to modify the "*clm2.r*" file for a given region, the variables stored in it have the coordinate of "column" not the lat, lon.Add this to your user_nl_clm:
use_init_interp = .true.