I am running CCSM4 with the F compset and waccm_ghg chemistry. I have done the default simulation successfully. Now, I want to change the SST data. l make the cice.buildnml.xml to point to myself SST data:
stream_domfilename = ... (myself SST data path and data)
stream_fldfilename = ... (myself SST data path and data)
Also, for the docn.buildnml.xml:
set dat_datpath = ... (myself SST data path)
set dat_datfile = ... (myself SST data)
After these changes, the model still can run successfully. But the output surface air temperature (TS) in the cam history files is obviously different from the input myself SST values. For example, myself SST values are between 332 K and 342 K (extreme warm condition), and I have set sea-ice fraction to be zero for each grid. However, the output TS values still are between 220 K and 307 K, which is much lower than I except. While, the output sea-ice fraction is zero, which is same as myself input value. I do not know why the surface temperature is still very low.
I guess two possible reasons:
(1) I have missed somewhere I should change;
(2) Does the WACCM4.0 include the ice sheet model? If it has included, how I could close it?
Does anybody know that? Thanks very much.
stream_domfilename = ... (myself SST data path and data)
stream_fldfilename = ... (myself SST data path and data)
Also, for the docn.buildnml.xml:
set dat_datpath = ... (myself SST data path)
set dat_datfile = ... (myself SST data)
After these changes, the model still can run successfully. But the output surface air temperature (TS) in the cam history files is obviously different from the input myself SST values. For example, myself SST values are between 332 K and 342 K (extreme warm condition), and I have set sea-ice fraction to be zero for each grid. However, the output TS values still are between 220 K and 307 K, which is much lower than I except. While, the output sea-ice fraction is zero, which is same as myself input value. I do not know why the surface temperature is still very low.
I guess two possible reasons:
(1) I have missed somewhere I should change;
(2) Does the WACCM4.0 include the ice sheet model? If it has included, how I could close it?
Does anybody know that? Thanks very much.