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Hybrid run fail -- initial $$ file from CAM missing?

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to start a hybrid run, and am struggling to get the model properly configured.  The goal is to run CESM for a season, forcing each time with different SST conditions.  Here are the steps I took:

1. I ran the model (CESM1_1_2, compset: F_2000_CAM5, resolution: f19_f19) for 10 months.  I called this case “sst_branch_control.”

2. Next, I generated a new case using the same commands to generate the initial run but called it “sst_ndjfm_control.”

3. I changed the following in env_rum:
RUN_TYPE = “hybrid”
RUN_REFCASE = “SST_branch_control”
RUN_REFDATE = “0001-11-01”

4. After seeing up cesm, configuring env_run and namelists to be the same (except continue_run="false" for the first submission of the new hybrid run), and I copied all the start up files in sst_branch_control/run to the new case: sst_ndjfm_control/run

5. When building got the following errors:

File status unknown:
File status unknown:
File status unknown:

Oddly, existed.  But the other two were indeed missing.

6. When running, and ultimately failing, the cesm.log contained the following:

Clearly is missing.

So my questions are:
1. What could I configure in the initial run in order to have it produce 
2. Is “” missing going to produce a similar error?  If so how to I configure my initial run to produce this file.

Thanks in advance to your help.  It is appreciated.




Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
By default CAM is saving teh initial condition yearly. You can icnrease teh frequency with the namelist variable inithist 
Frequency that initial files will be output: 6-hourly, daily, monthly,
yearly, or never.  Valid values: 'NONE', '6-HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY',
Default: 'YEARLY'
Hi Hannay,
Thanks so much for your quick and helpful reply.  For compset F_2000_CAM5 do you anticipate that "" being missing would cause an error on initiation of a subsequent hybrid run?  If so, how can I configure CAM to generate this file?
Thanks again for your continued assistance.
In case other folks encounter the same questions I had, it seems that $ is not necessary for a hybrid run with F compsets. While the build script notes the following:File status unknown: $
File status unknown: $
File status unknown: $
The first two files are in the run directory of the hybrid run, and the warning errors are generated anyway.  Despite the warnings the hybrid model did compile and run however.  Perhaps this information will be useful to others in the future.