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I_2000_CN results differ from CESM1_1_1 to CESM_1_2_1

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New Member
Not sure which forum is the right forum for this.
I am trying to repeat a very short experiment to make sure I understand all the differences between CLM4 under CESM1_1_1 and CESM1_2_1. I am making very small modifications to the CNBalanceCheckMod.F90 and BalanceCheckMod.F90 for both configurations, that's it.

I am using identical forcing between the two, and I have RTM turned off, same processor layout ... and I cannot figure out why
I am getting differences in virtually every variable in the .r. file after a single day of integration. Trolling through the lnd.log file shows the first significant (to me) difference is in the CESM1_2_1 run in that it reads "" while the CESM1_1_1 run does not. The "Fall_voc001:Fall_voc002:Fall_voc003:Fall_voc004:Fall_voc005:Fall_voc006:Fall_voc007:Fall_voc008" portion of the lnd_init_mct message is also uniquely in the CESM1_2_1 output.

(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/emis/


The CASE directories are:


An example of the differences is summarized :

H2OSNO has min/max differences of -2.68488 1.40776
H2OSOI_LIQ has min/max differences of -0.65843 1.33969
H2OSOI_ICE has min/max differences of -10.4495 6.88743
T_GRND has min/max differences of -0.29385 0.86189
URBAN_HEAT has min/max differences of -0.896869 16.9328

I ran both cases from scratch just today, so its not a compiler change issue (caveat changes in the machine files between the two distributions)

Any help tracking this down would be appreciated.

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