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Icepack Simple Melt Pond Model


Simon Driscoll
Hi, as part of my PhD, I'd like to input a toy model/really simple model of melt ponds into Icepack and run it essentially as a proof of concept. It would just use some Icepack variables and give a value of the pond area fraction (apnd). Later versions of Icepack are too complicated, but I believe in previous versions of Icepack (e.g. 1.3.0) there is the "CESM" scheme which output apnd and hpnd only. Here apnd is calculated, and then hpnd is just a function of apnd:

hpndn = pndaspect * apondn

Am I right that hpnd is just a function of apnd (via pndaspect) through the CESM scheme?

If so I can 'proof of concept' apply my toy model this way as a start in my work.



CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Simon,

This is correct. We deprecated the CESM pond scheme as most groups have moved to the level or topographic ponds. The level ponds generally are similar to the CESM ponds, but just taking into account the fraction of level ice. However, you can certainly look back at older versions of icepack or even CICE5 to get the original CESM pond scheme.



Simon Driscoll
Hi Dave,

very useful thank you. Yes it's just meant toy model/proof of concepts stuff right now.

I have downloaded CICE. With Icepack I saw a model documentation and getting it to run seemed easy with example cases etc. I can't seem to see a similar thing with CICE - i.e. instructions after downloading on how to run, and so on. Am I missing something? I assume these would exist somewhere. Could you point me to these? (Ideally for CICE version 6.3.0?

Thank you so much.



Simon Driscoll
Hi Dave,

apologies I found this. I have a CICE question (hopefully ok to ask here): I have tried to set up CICE with CICE6.3.0 (so as to implement things in Icepack connected to CICE). If I download CICE6.3.0 directly and do the set up it complains about git issues. If I do the 'git clone' as recommended in the docs

git clone --recurse-submodules GitHub - CICE-Consortium/CICE: Development repository for the CICE sea-ice model

Then it appears to give me no control over which version I download.

How do I git clone the specific version? (I have tried e.g. git clone --recurse-submodules etc.)
