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Icepack: tice_high in init_vertical_profile for ktherm = 2


Bin Zhao
New Member
Hi All,

This is more of a question. In init_vertical_profile, logical tice_high is set to true if a given ice layer k has zTin above Tmlt.
 if (zTin(k) > Tmax) then
    tice_high = .true.
Icepack/columnphysics/icepack_therm_vertical.F90 at 86cae16d1b7c4c4f8a410fccac155374afac777f · CICE-Consortium/Icepack
If mushy layer thermodynamic scheme is used, zTin is corrected and a warning is issued.
if (ktherm == 2) then
    zqin(k) = enthalpy_of_melting(zSin(k)) - c1
    zTin(k) = icepack_mushy_temperature_mush(zqin(k),zSin(k))
    write(warnstr,*) subname, 'Corrected quantities'
    call icepack_warnings_add(warnstr)
    write(warnstr,*) subname, 'zqin=',zqin(k)
    call icepack_warnings_add(warnstr)
    write(warnstr,*) subname, 'zTin=',zTin(k)
    call icepack_warnings_add(warnstr)
Icepack/columnphysics/icepack_therm_vertical.F90 at 86cae16d1b7c4c4f8a410fccac155374afac777f · CICE-Consortium/Icepack

The current logic will also correct all layers below k, regardless of whether those layers have higher zTin than Tmlt, since tice_high stays True within the k-loop. My question is: is this correction of lower layers intended to be that way?

Thank you.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I do think this is a bug. We should probably be resetting tice_high and tice_low to .false. at the end of the loop.