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Hi, We are using topography/bathymetry data from Sewall et al (2007) to build a grid for a 90Ma case. We have successfully compiled ns_dipole.f, paleotopo.f90 and grid_bin2nc.f90 and we have run mk_grid.csh after creating a .5x.5 degree resolution grid using create.05degree.ncl The .5 degree grid is correctly created and mk_grid.csh seems to run perfectly well. The resulting kmt looks fine, however, the resulting values for some variables don't make sense. For example, all values of HTN, HTE, HUW and ANGLE are equal to zero. For this reason, kmtEd is not "reading" our grid and we cannot edit it using this tool. The poles were placed taking into account all the tips, i.e., as close to geographic poles as possible, close to continental edge although 1-2 cells away from the edge of the continent and even placing the NH and SH poles on the same longitudes. We have tried several different pole locations -always fitting these criteria- and different numbers of j lines in the NH and SH (always summing up 116 lines). We have tried with both a gx3v5 and a gx3v7 vertical grid, respectively using 25 and 60 levels (nz). We cannot find te problem. Any help is more than welcome! Here's a copy of the script of one of our attempts: #!/bin/csh -fv set echoset verbose#################################################################### Required input file: # topography/bathymetry file at .5x.5 degree resolution.# This can be obtained from the 2x2 degree resolution data# using create.05deg.ncl in this ocn/src/gridgen.# usage: % ncl create.05degree.ncl# be sure to compile code in src dir and place executable in bin dir # makefile for ocean code found in ocn/bin ####################################################################Define global variables: set MYDIR = /home/evertoncunha/Downloads/GeradorNC/toolsset CASE = CTB2set ITER = 1 # iteration set TOPO = #CTB_topobathy_0.5_yymmdd.ncset DATE = "`date +%y%m%d`" setenv TOOLSDIR $MYDIRsetenv DATADIR $TOOLSDIR/ocn/datasetenv RUNDIR $MYDIR/ocn/binsetenv MYDATA $MYDIR/ocn/data # cp topo data here if ( (! -e $MYDATA/$TOPO) ) thenecho ''echo 'FATAL ERROR: topo file does not exist locally or in ' $MYDATA '. Create new file using create.05degree.ncl'exit endifendif #################################################################### User changes: For each new horizontal grid you must edit the following parameters:################################################################### # Change for your continent distribution # ncview your topo_0.5x0.5 map to see where to place the poles over land.set lonnp = 114# longitude of North Poleset latnp = 75 # latitude of North Poleset lonsp = 114# longitude of South Poleset latsp = -88 # latitude of South Pole # change iteratively after you look at your grid.# Use these to adjust gridcell distribution so you don't have big# cells in the N. Hem and small cells in the S. Hem, for example.set nlatn = 63 # number of j grid lines in NHset nlats = 53 # number of j grid lines in SH # Don't change without a good reason.set nx = 100 # number of i grid linesset nz = 60 # number of vertical grid levelsset dyeq = .9 # dy in degrees at Equatorset dsig = 15. # Gaussian efold-scale at equatorset jcon = 11 # jcon = # rows of constant dy at poles # Don't changeset popgrid = grid.$ITER.pop.da # binary grid fileset pltgrid = grid.$ITER.plot.da# binary grid fileset cdfgrid = gridkmt.$ netcdf grid fileset depgrid = h.$ITER.da# binary depth arrayset kmtgrid = kmt.$ITER.da# binary kmt fileset vrtgrid = gx3v7_vert_grid# ascii vertical grid input fileset topo = $TOPO # netcdf topography input datasetset minz = 5.# min z in meters (Don't lower!!!)set mink = 3# minimum allowed km value (Don't lower!!!)@ ny = $nlatn + $nlats # number of j grid lines # not usedset iocean = 50# ocean (i,j) point used to defineset jocean = 60#contiguous ocean. # !!!SET PLOTTING VIEWPOINTS BELOW!!! ################################## SET HERE FILE INPUT################################# cat >! input.$ITER.ns_dipole ! input.$ITER.paleotopo ! input.$ITER.grid_bin2nc ! output.$ITER.ns_dipole./paleotopo < input.$ITER.paleotopo >! output.$ITER.paleotopo./grid_bin2nc < input.$ITER.grid_bin2nc ################################## CLEAN UP##################################/usr/bin/rm -f input.ns_dipole input.paleotopo input.display_hgrid_land exit(0)