New Member
Hi all, I'm running CLM5 standalone with 3 component sets (I2000Clm50Sp, I2000Clm50BgcCru, I2000Clm50BgcCrop). Below are my puzzles. Any thoughts would be appreciated! 1. Why the default initial condition (finidat = '') that the model automatically sets are the same for clm5sp, clm5bgc and clm5bgcrop? I assume the 3 different component sets should have their own initial conditions? 2. Similar to q1. Say I run compset 'I2000Clm50BgcCrop' but with 2 different atmospheric forcing GSWP3 and CRUNCEP, then I assume the initial condition for them are different. However, the model set the same initial condition even I choose differently forcing. Is this correct or I should find a new initial condition that matches the corresponding forcing?
3. I can not run I2000Clm50Sp. I try to change initial condition (finidat) and surface data (surfdat), and I try to start the model with cold start (no initial condition), but the attempts all failed. An example with error message below:compset I2000Clm50Sp finidat = '/users/student/s1155085739/CLM/cesm_inputs/lnd/clm2/initdata_map/'fsurdat = '/users/student/s1155085739/CLM/cesm_inputs/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/' error message:[0] Opening file for outp[0] ut;[0] Starting output at 0.000000000000000E+000 and write every 1.000000000[0] 00000 years[0] Creating variables internal_time and time[0] Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.[0] The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".[0] Creating variable level[0] Creating variable lithoz[0] Creating variable staglevel[0] Creating variable stagwbndlevel[0] Creating variable x0[0] Creating variable x1[0] Creating variable y0[0] Creating variable y1[0] Creating variable acab[0] Creating variable artm[0] Creating variable bwat[0] Creating variable tempstag[0] Creating variable thk[0] Creating variable topg[0] Creating variable usurf[0] Creating variable uvel[0] Creating variable vvel[0] Writing to file at ti[0] me 0.000000000000000E+000[8] WARNING: Wet_Bulb algorithm failed to converge. Setting to T: WB, P, T, RH, Q,[8] VaporP: NaN 99902.1212822097[8] NaN NaN NaN [8] NaN[7] WARNING: Wet_Bulb algorithm failed to converge. Setting to T: WB, P, T, RH, Q,[7] VaporP: NaN 95467.1572265624[7] NaN NaN NaN[7] NaN[8] # of NaNs = 12[8] Which are NaNs = F F F F T T T T T F T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F[8] F F F T T T T T T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F[8] Sl_tref[8] Sl_qref[8] Sl_t[8] Sl_fv[8] Sl_ram1[8] Sl_u10[8] Fall_taux[8] Fall_tauy[8] Fall_lat[8] Fall_sen[8] Fall_lwup[8] Fall_evap[8] gridcell index = 4762[8] ENDRUN:[8] ERROR:[8] lnd_export ERROR: One or more of the output from CLM to t[8] he coupler are NaN[7] WARNING: Wet_Bulb algorithm failed to converge. Setting to T: WB, P, T, RH, Q,[7] VaporP: NaN 95467.1572265624[7] NaN NaN NaN[7] NaN[8] Image PC Routine Line Source[8] cesm.exe 00000000011DFF98 shr_abort_mod_mp_ 61 shr_abort_mod.F90[8] cesm.exe 0000000000510AF8 abortutils_mp_end 50 abortutils.F90[8] cesm.exe 000000000050FE58 lnd_import_export 419 lnd_import_export.F90[8] cesm.exe 0000000000505022 lnd_comp_mct_mp_l 462 lnd_comp_mct.F90[8] cesm.exe 000000000042F8FF component_mod_mp_ 688 component_mod.F90[8] cesm.exe 0000000000415272 cime_comp_mod_mp_ 2652 cime_comp_mod.F90[8] cesm.exe 000000000042F62B MAIN__ 68 cime_driver.F90[8] cesm.exe 0000000000412FF6 Unknown Unknown Unknown[8] 00002B6143075C36 Unknown Unknown Unknown[8] cesm.exe 0000000000412EE9 Unknown Unknown Unknown[8] application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1001) - process 8[7] WARNING: Wet_Bulb algorithm failed to converge. Setting to T: WB, P, T, RH, Q,[7] VaporP: NaN 97902.2090529057[7] NaN NaN NaN[7] NaN Thanks in advance!Shirley
3. I can not run I2000Clm50Sp. I try to change initial condition (finidat) and surface data (surfdat), and I try to start the model with cold start (no initial condition), but the attempts all failed. An example with error message below:compset I2000Clm50Sp finidat = '/users/student/s1155085739/CLM/cesm_inputs/lnd/clm2/initdata_map/'fsurdat = '/users/student/s1155085739/CLM/cesm_inputs/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/' error message:[0] Opening file for outp[0] ut;[0] Starting output at 0.000000000000000E+000 and write every 1.000000000[0] 00000 years[0] Creating variables internal_time and time[0] Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.[0] The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".[0] Creating variable level[0] Creating variable lithoz[0] Creating variable staglevel[0] Creating variable stagwbndlevel[0] Creating variable x0[0] Creating variable x1[0] Creating variable y0[0] Creating variable y1[0] Creating variable acab[0] Creating variable artm[0] Creating variable bwat[0] Creating variable tempstag[0] Creating variable thk[0] Creating variable topg[0] Creating variable usurf[0] Creating variable uvel[0] Creating variable vvel[0] Writing to file at ti[0] me 0.000000000000000E+000[8] WARNING: Wet_Bulb algorithm failed to converge. Setting to T: WB, P, T, RH, Q,[8] VaporP: NaN 99902.1212822097[8] NaN NaN NaN [8] NaN[7] WARNING: Wet_Bulb algorithm failed to converge. Setting to T: WB, P, T, RH, Q,[7] VaporP: NaN 95467.1572265624[7] NaN NaN NaN[7] NaN[8] # of NaNs = 12[8] Which are NaNs = F F F F T T T T T F T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F[8] F F F T T T T T T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F[8] Sl_tref[8] Sl_qref[8] Sl_t[8] Sl_fv[8] Sl_ram1[8] Sl_u10[8] Fall_taux[8] Fall_tauy[8] Fall_lat[8] Fall_sen[8] Fall_lwup[8] Fall_evap[8] gridcell index = 4762[8] ENDRUN:[8] ERROR:[8] lnd_export ERROR: One or more of the output from CLM to t[8] he coupler are NaN[7] WARNING: Wet_Bulb algorithm failed to converge. Setting to T: WB, P, T, RH, Q,[7] VaporP: NaN 95467.1572265624[7] NaN NaN NaN[7] NaN[8] Image PC Routine Line Source[8] cesm.exe 00000000011DFF98 shr_abort_mod_mp_ 61 shr_abort_mod.F90[8] cesm.exe 0000000000510AF8 abortutils_mp_end 50 abortutils.F90[8] cesm.exe 000000000050FE58 lnd_import_export 419 lnd_import_export.F90[8] cesm.exe 0000000000505022 lnd_comp_mct_mp_l 462 lnd_comp_mct.F90[8] cesm.exe 000000000042F8FF component_mod_mp_ 688 component_mod.F90[8] cesm.exe 0000000000415272 cime_comp_mod_mp_ 2652 cime_comp_mod.F90[8] cesm.exe 000000000042F62B MAIN__ 68 cime_driver.F90[8] cesm.exe 0000000000412FF6 Unknown Unknown Unknown[8] 00002B6143075C36 Unknown Unknown Unknown[8] cesm.exe 0000000000412EE9 Unknown Unknown Unknown[8] application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1001) - process 8[7] WARNING: Wet_Bulb algorithm failed to converge. Setting to T: WB, P, T, RH, Q,[7] VaporP: NaN 97902.2090529057[7] NaN NaN NaN[7] NaN Thanks in advance!Shirley