Hmmmm. I do see some changes in the latest analytic code that are not part of the cesm2.2 release. It could be that the standard atmos analytic state wasn't working properly or vetted by the time of the release. It should be a part of the next release but I'm not sure when that will be. The error is coming from us_standard_atmosphere not being listed as one of the valid values of analytic_ic_type in the file namelist_definition.xml. You could add it to the file yourself and get past the initial check but if there are other issues or incompatibilities you are on your own to get things working.
Another approach would be to interpolate an existing initial condition file to T31. You could try this if you have access to Cheyenne and Glade. I don't think these modules are available on Casper.
module load gnu
module load esmf_libs
module load esmf-8.0.0-ncdfio-mpi-O
module load nco/4.7.9
set srcgrid=T42
set dstgrid=T31
set srcgridfile=/glade/p/cesmdata/inputdata/share/scripgrids/
set dstgridfile=/glade/p/cesmdata/inputdata/share/scripgrids/
set srcinitfile=/glade/p/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/inic/gaus/
set dstinitfile=/glade/scratch/$USER/
cd /glade/scratch/$USER
#create the map file
ESMF_RegridWeightGen --ignore_unmapped -m conserve -w map_${srcgrid}_to_${dstgrid}_ -s ${srcgridfile} -d ${dstgridfile}
#use the mapfile to remap srcinitfile to dstinitfile
ncremap -m ./map_${srcgrid}_to_${dstgrid}_ ${srcinitfile} -o ${dstinitfile}
You can use the same procedure to remap other atmosphere boundary data like the surface deposition files that you may also need. Sometimes I interpolate from the following FV atmsrf to get a new destination grid.
In this case you would modify the srcgrid, srcgridfile, srcinitfile, and give it a reasonable dstinitfile name all which corresponds to the new src file and then create a new map and call ncremap.