Hi, I am running the coupled model with compset B in CESM1.2.0. Now I concern with the atm and ocn component. There are three basic phases of these component models: initialize, run and finalize. The corresponding main code including these phases for atm and ocn components are atm_comp_mct.F90 and ocn_comp_mct.F90, respectively. My questions are:1) In atm_comp_mct.F90, the code for couple driver sending variables to atm are shown as follows:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ig=1 do c=begchunk,endchunk ncols = get_ncols_p(c) ! initialize constituent surface fluxes to zero cam_in(c)%cflx(:,:) = 0._r8 do i =1,ncols cam_in(c)%wsx(i) = -x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Faxx_taux,ig) cam_in(c)%wsy(i) = -x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Faxx_tauy,ig) cam_in(c)%lhf(i) = -x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Faxx_lat, ig) cam_in(c)%shf(i) = -x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Faxx_sen, ig) cam_in(c)%lwup(i) = -x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Faxx_lwup,ig) cam_in(c)%cflx(i,1) = -x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Faxx_evap,ig) cam_in(c)%asdir(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_avsdr, ig) cam_in(c)%aldir(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_anidr, ig) cam_in(c)%asdif(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_avsdf, ig) cam_in(c)%aldif(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_anidf, ig) cam_in(c)%ts(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_t, ig) cam_in(c)%sst(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_So_t, ig) cam_in(c)%snowhland(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sl_snowh, ig) cam_in(c)%snowhice(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Si_snowh, ig) cam_in(c)%tref(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_tref, ig) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These calculations are based on chunks and columns, it is difficult for me to see the sst which are transported from coupled driver to atm? At first, I tried to see that by the code modification as followed:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ open(1201,file='yao_check_sst_read.txt',status='UNKNOWN',POSITION='APPEND') write(1201,*) cam_in%sst(250) close(1201)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is wrong at last. So, how can I see the sst data? Maybe I cannot see that before I gather these chunks together, and how to do that? 2) In the codes, where is used for calculating the taux and tauy in atm component and sst in ocn component? and where are used to writing the netcdf output files? Best regards,Yao