New Member
Hi all,
I am trying to do a regional simulation using CLM5.0 at 0.05-degree spatial resolution. The extent of the area is 90 to 110 degrees east and 8 to 35 degrees north (Mekong River Basin). I subset MOSART 8th/100 degree resolution input data from global file /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/rof/mosart/MOSART_Global_8th_20191007.nc to get my regional mosart input file. I updated ID and dnID accordingly. I created all necessary files (domain, mapping from/to lnd to rof and rof to lnd) and managed to run the model.
Generated runoff from the land model seemed accurate for the entire area. This is to mention that the MOSART output is also correct in the upstream areas(17 to 35 North). After a certain latitude (in the region of 17 to 8 degree north) there is no storage in the tributaries (VOLR is zero). I don't have any clue what can cause such a problem.
I tried with coupling CLM and 50 km MOSART grid (subsetting data from global 50 Km MOSART input file ) /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/rof/mosart/MOSART_routing_Global_0.5x0.5_c170601.nc) which worked well with reasonal output.
I am unsure why 8th/100 degree resolution input data didn't work for the entire study area where half-degree resolution worked without any anomaly. I just wanted to make sure I am using the correct input data. Is there anyone who used the same data for global/regional simulation? Any suggestions on how to diagnose the problem?
I appreciate any help in this regard.
I am trying to do a regional simulation using CLM5.0 at 0.05-degree spatial resolution. The extent of the area is 90 to 110 degrees east and 8 to 35 degrees north (Mekong River Basin). I subset MOSART 8th/100 degree resolution input data from global file /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/rof/mosart/MOSART_Global_8th_20191007.nc to get my regional mosart input file. I updated ID and dnID accordingly. I created all necessary files (domain, mapping from/to lnd to rof and rof to lnd) and managed to run the model.
Generated runoff from the land model seemed accurate for the entire area. This is to mention that the MOSART output is also correct in the upstream areas(17 to 35 North). After a certain latitude (in the region of 17 to 8 degree north) there is no storage in the tributaries (VOLR is zero). I don't have any clue what can cause such a problem.
I tried with coupling CLM and 50 km MOSART grid (subsetting data from global 50 Km MOSART input file ) /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/rof/mosart/MOSART_routing_Global_0.5x0.5_c170601.nc) which worked well with reasonal output.
I am unsure why 8th/100 degree resolution input data didn't work for the entire study area where half-degree resolution worked without any anomaly. I just wanted to make sure I am using the correct input data. Is there anyone who used the same data for global/regional simulation? Any suggestions on how to diagnose the problem?
I appreciate any help in this regard.