Hi all,
Regarding updating the version of CESM on our lab's server, we encountered the following issue message during the execution of ./manage_externals/checkout_externals. I have identified a solution for CESM 2.2.X; however, we aim to install CESM 2.3 alpha16g specifically for biomass heat storage parameterization. Kindly inform me if you have any suggestions, and feel free to ask for any additional information if needed. Thanks!
ali_arms, carma, clubb, ERROR:root:Command '['svn', 'checkout', '--quiet', 'https://github.com/larson-group/clu...129_59cb19f_20230330_branchtag/src/CLUBB_core', '/work/share/model/cesm/cesm2_3_alpha16g/components/cam/src/physics/clubb']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
ERROR:root:Failed with output:
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://github.com/larson-group/clu...129_59cb19f_20230330_branchtag/src/CLUBB_core
svn: E160013: '/larson-group/clubb_release/tags/clubb_4ncar_20221129_59cb19f_20230330_branchtag/src/CLUBB_core' path not found
Regarding updating the version of CESM on our lab's server, we encountered the following issue message during the execution of ./manage_externals/checkout_externals. I have identified a solution for CESM 2.2.X; however, we aim to install CESM 2.3 alpha16g specifically for biomass heat storage parameterization. Kindly inform me if you have any suggestions, and feel free to ask for any additional information if needed. Thanks!
ali_arms, carma, clubb, ERROR:root:Command '['svn', 'checkout', '--quiet', 'https://github.com/larson-group/clu...129_59cb19f_20230330_branchtag/src/CLUBB_core', '/work/share/model/cesm/cesm2_3_alpha16g/components/cam/src/physics/clubb']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
ERROR:root:Failed with output:
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://github.com/larson-group/clu...129_59cb19f_20230330_branchtag/src/CLUBB_core
svn: E160013: '/larson-group/clubb_release/tags/clubb_4ncar_20221129_59cb19f_20230330_branchtag/src/CLUBB_core' path not found