Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
Normal Operations
The forums are back online with normal operations. If you notice any issues or errors related to the forums, please reach out to

Interactive Chemistry

Hello, This forum has been really helpful! I have a question about LM runs any help would be most appreciated. 1. I am wondering if an interactive chemistry run of the last millenium has been attempted. If not, is there any possibility in creating a run using the last millenium as an initial background and attempting fully interactive atmos chemistry? Thank You! 


We have not run a LM simulation with interactive chemistry, and have no current plans for a simulation like this.  You might want to repost your question to the WACCM or CAMchem forum for ideas on how to do it.