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Interpic_new question

James King

James King

I managed to build the 'interpic_new' executable on Casper but have run into some further issues when trying to regrid a CAM-Chem IC file to an SE/RR grid.

When running the initial command:

./interpic -t -i area /glade/campaign/acom/acom-weather/MUSICA/init/ne30_ne30/ /glade/work/jamesking/MUSICA_REPO/ne0np4.UK_JAK_ne30x16/inic/

The script failed with

driver: ERROR defining variable area type= 6
nvdims= 1 dids= 1

When I removed '-i area' from the initial command, a file was successfully created but the script terminated with this error in the log:

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (3): Subscript #1 of the array STARTO has value 0 which is less than the lower bound of 1

Image PC Routine Line Source
interpic 000000000041BF10 driver_ 312 driver.F90
interpic 0000000000429C23 MAIN__ 217 fmain.F90
interpic 000000000040B48D Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F8064F3729D __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
interpic 000000000040B3BA Unknown Unknown Unknown

The created file looked to be the right size (about 5GB) but a quick inspection of the contents using cdo vardes and ncview showed that it doesn't seem to have been processed correctly: the various fields were present but cdo couldn't read them, e.g.:

cdi warning (cdf_check_variables): Number of time steps undefined, skipped variable soa5_a2!

and ncview showed only the area, lat, lon, and height coordinates.

Any idea what's gone wrong here, and has anyone been able to use this tool since Cheyenne was decommissioned?

Many thanks,


James King

James King
Update - the issue here was that the IC file I was trying to interpolate was on an SE grid, which the script can't handle!