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Interpolation of atmosphere restart file to finer grid


Quick question: As a test I succesfully ran a f02_t12 case as a hybrid run starting from the restartfiles of a f05_t12 reference case. Since the resolution of ocean/ice of both cases is the same (0.1 degrees) I did not have to do any interpolation. However the resolution of the atm/lnd of my reference case is 0.5 degrees and I needed 0.25 degrees restartfiles.
Making the 0.25 degree land restart file was relatively easy by using the tool 'interpinic' to do the interpolation. Is there also a tool with which I can interpolate the 0.5 degree atmosphere restart file to 0.25 degree?



P.S. Because I started it as a hybrid run I was able to do the run by using the default present day 0.25 degrees atmosphere restartfile ( I think the atmosphere adjusts within a few days but still prefer to interpolate the reference case atmosphere file
Anybody? Is there such a tool or do I need to do it by hand? Would be nice to know before I start setting up an ensemble of expensive f02_t12 runs.

Kind regards,


Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Michael,

I am not sure what version of CESM you are using, but in CESM2 there is a similar interpic tool for CAM as well. You can find it in the CESM2 source code here:


Where <CESM_DIR> is wherever you cloned your CESM2 source code following the instructions here. Once you have the interpic source code then just follow the instructions in the README file to build and run the program.

Of course if you have any problems or issues with the tool itself then feel free to either respond here or create a new forum post.

Hope that helps, and have a great day!

Dear Jesse,

Well, that sure helped and I'm very grateful that you mentioned this interpic tool, it worked!
I am using CESM1 but got this CESM2 code working on my CESM1 initial cam file.

It is very nice that we are now able to start our f02_t12 cases with ALL the restart/initial files from a previous f05_t12 case.

Thanks a lot Jesse!

Dear, Jesse,

Is there a similar tool that i can use for all other components, including POP and ice and so on?

Thanks very much


Hi Michael,

I am not sure what version of CESM you are using, but in CESM2 there is a similar interpic tool for CAM as well. You can find it in the CESM2 source code here:


Where <CESM_DIR> is wherever you cloned your CESM2 source code following the instructions here. Once you have the interpic source code then just follow the instructions in the README file to build and run the program.

Of course if you have any problems or issues with the tool itself then feel free to either respond here or create a new forum post.

Hope that helps, and have a great day!



Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Xiao,

Apologies for the late response! Sadly I am not aware of any equivalent tools for POP or sea ice, although feel free to post that question in the respective ocean and sea ice forums, as I am not personally an expert in either of those components.

Also, another option is to just do the interpolation manually. Most data analysis languages are capable of doing at least a linear interpolation/re-gridding. Personally I am most familiar with NCL and Python. Examples for doing it in NCL can be found here:

While in python there are various options, many of which are listed here:

Anyways, I hope that helps, and sorry that it wasn't quite what you were looking for.
