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Interpolation of monthly initial conditions

I am running CAM3 with a "data ocean model", which requires prescribed monthly SST forcing. Can anyone point me to the file that interpolates the monthly averaged SST boundary conditions to the temporal resolution of the CAM timestep (I think it is 20 minutes for me). So far, my guess is that it is in the "inidat.F90" file in the dynamics/eul directory, but I cannot find the exact code.


CSEG and Liaisons
In cam3 the sst data is handled by the module sst_data in


New Member
eaton said:
In cam3 the sst data is handled by the module sst_data in

Hi Brian,

I want to run CCSM3 in CAM mode (-compset F) with specified daily SST. I see that /ocn/docn6/data_in_mod.F90 reads "multiyear" data but I'm not sure if data at daily frequency is accepted. If the expected frequency is monthly, do you know anyone who has changed the code to allow daily frequency?

Thank you,



CSEG and Liaisons
I got the following info about docn6 from Brian Kauffman who's one of the developers:

> The data models are very general wrt the number of years or the
> dt of the time samples. They don't expect/assume any
> particular number of years of input data -- if the input is a
> one year climatology, they treat this as "multiyear" data where
> the number of years is 1. The data models "loop" over whole
> years of data, eg. data for years 1950 thru 1959 (10 whole
> years) or data for years 10 thru 10 (one whole year).
> Also, they don't expect/assume any particular dt of the input
> data time samples, hourly, daily, monthly, whatever, they
> accept any dt and use all the same mechanics.