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ionf_mod.F90 issue while initializing CAM, CESM 2.0.1 ported on new machine

Good afternoon,I am working on porting CESM2.0.1 on my university's cluster, with intel/17.2 compiler and mvapich2-2.3rc1 MPI libraries.  The simulation I am trying to run is compset FCSD, resolution f09_f09_mg17.  While trying to run the model, I am getting an error associated with ionf_mod.F90 and the message "NetCDF:  Unknown file format" (see attached cesm.log), somewhat similar to the problem discussed here:  Like this topic, I can't tell which input file is attempting to be opened when the error is thrown.I have tried to solve this problem several different ways:  switching PIO_TYPENAME to "netcdf" as suggested in; implementing the fixes associated with the FCSD compset at; trying to locate the input file that's causing the issue myself based on atm_in (all files are either opened successfully based on the attached log or are located in my inputdata file, i.e. it doesn't seem that anything failed to download from svn repository).Any help is much appreciated!  Attached are my cesm.log, atm.log, and some build logs. 


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
It looks like it's having trouble with following file - make sure the md5sum on your machine matches:md5sum $CESMDATAROOT/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_so4_a2_contvolcano_vertical_850-5000_0.9x1.25_c20170724.nc3cd7242ca30b61a31bde88812fb4ea50  /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/
Thank you for your reply!  I checked the md5sum for that file and it is as follows:3cd7242ca30b61a31bde88812fb4ea50  emissions-cmip6_so4_a2_contvolcano_vertical_850-5000_0.9x1.25_c20170724.ncSo it's the same as what you posted here. 
Hello, again, I wanted to add that I have run CESM2.1.0 on my unversity's cluster, same compiler, compset, resolution, etc. as my original post. I'm getting the same error on the same file,  I also tried re-downloading this file from the svn repository.  Attached is my CESM log file.  Is there anything else I can do (besides checking the md5sum on this file downloaded to my input data folder) to resolve this error?Thank you for your time! 