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Is canopy evaporation affected by ground temperature or surface temperature?

Jie Hsu

Jie Hsu
New Member
Hi all,

I would like to know which factor contributes most to canopy transpiration in CESM1.2.2.

Surface Temperature (TS): Air temperature is one of the main driving factors in plant transpiration processes. As air temperature rises, the air's water vapor capacity increases, making it easier for moisture on plant surfaces and leaves to evaporate into the atmosphere. Therefore, air temperature directly influences the transpiration rate, especially when the plants have adequate moisture.

Ground Temperature (TG): Ground temperature also plays an important role in transpiration, particularly in relation to soil moisture and plant water supply. High ground temperature typically increases soil evaporation, which in turn raises the plant's water demand. Additionally, when the ground temperature is high, plants may increase transpiration to cool down, particularly during the daytime.
Therefore, which factor—surface temperature (TS) or ground temperature (TG)—is the main one affecting canopy transpiration in CESM1.2.2?

Thank you!


Staff member
@Jie Hsu you pose an interesting research question. If you have not found articles in the published literature that answer this question for cesm1.2.2, then I recommend that you perform the necessary simulations to obtain the answer.
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