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Is there an issue with the URL for downloading the data? The build command keeps failing with “ERROR: Could not download refcase from any server".


I have created a case named FHIST using CESM2.1.5, but I keep encountering errors when executing the build command. The error message is as follows:

[zhangmeixin@login04 FHIST]$ ./ --skip-provenance-check
Building case in directory /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/cases/FHIST
sharedlib_only is False
model_only is False
Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)
Generating component namelists as part of build
Refcase not found in /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01, will attempt to download from inputdata
Checking server with protocol gftp
Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)
Client protocol gftp not enabled
Checking server with protocol wget
Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)
Using protocol wget with user anonymous and passwd
Could not connect to repo ''
This is most likely either a proxy, or network issue .
Checking server with protocol ftp
Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)
Using protocol ftp with user anonymous and passwd
server address root path cesm/inputdata
ftp login timeout! [Errno 111] Connection refused
Checking server with protocol svn
Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)
Using protocol svn with user and passwd
Loading input file list: 'Buildconf/refcase.input_data_list'
Model refcase missing file refdir = '/public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01/'
Trying to download file: 'cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01' to path '/public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01' using SVN protocol.
Creating directory /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01
svn export failed with output: A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp
A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp/list
A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp/
A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp/
A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp/rpointer.drv
A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp/rpointer.glc
A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp/rpointer.ocn
A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2.docn.rs1.1979-01-01-00000.bin
A /public/home/zhangmeixin/CESM2.1.5/inputdata/cesm2_init/f.e20.FHIST.f09_f09.cesm2_1.001_v2/1979-01-01.tmp/ and errput svn: E175002: REPORT of '/!svn/me': Could not read chunk delimiter: Secure connection truncated (- Revision 69562: /)

Checking server None with protocol None
Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)
Client protocol None not enabled
ERROR: Could not download refcase from any server

However, this step used to work without any issues before, which is quite strange.

Could anyone help me resolve this issue? I would be extremely grateful!


Huiping Yan
New Member
Same as you. Located in China. And vpn did not help. Recently (about 3 days), I neither could not download the input data, and even manually clicking from the website did not work. Some small files such as the rpointer files, indeed can be easily download, but the large files (> 2GB) would repeat resuming and start over. It seems like there was something wrong with the web server, and the breakpoint download was not supported (?? not sure). Hope it resolved soon.
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Same as you. Located in China. And vpn did not help. Recently (about 3 days), I neither could not download the input data, and even manually clicking from the website did not work. Some small files such as the rpointer files, indeed can be easily download, but the large files (> 2GB) would repeat resuming and start over. It seems like there was something wrong with the web server, and the breakpoint download was not supported (?? not sure). Hope it resolved soon.
Yes! I can build successfully by manually downloading the reference cases, but I encounter server response issues when executing the command "./check inputdata --download": svn export failed with output: and errput svn: E120106: ra_serf: The server sent a truncated HTTP response body.
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Huiping Yan
New Member
Yes! I can build successfully by manually downloading the reference cases, but I encounter server response issues when executing the command "./check inputdata --download": svn export failed with output: and errput svn: E120106: ra_serf: The server sent a truncated HTTP response body.
If you download the reference cases data manually and put it in the right directory, then the check_inputdata would skip the download process. PS, the inputdata web server appears to be recovered last night, and you might try the command today.
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