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issue with high resolution CAM4 set-up


New Member
I am trying to configure CAM4 at a horizontal resolution of ~25 km. The problem is that if the "-ice" flag is set to "cice", the configuration fails with a message "set_horiz_grid: no match for hgrid 0.23x0.31". But when I repeat the same with CAM5, it works fine. If I configure CAM4 with other ice options (csim4, sice and none), then also the configuring process goes well. The problem comes only if I use the prescribed sea-ice component with CAM4. Could someone comment on this issue?
Below is the command I'd issued to configure the model and the result;
configure -dyn fv -hgrid 0.23x0.31 -ntasks 12 -nosmp -test -ice cice -mpi_inc /opt/cray/mpt/5.5.4/gni/mpich2-pgi/119/include -mpi_lib /opt/cray/mpt/5.5.4/gni/mpich2-pgi/119/lib -nc_inc /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/include -nc_lib /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/lib -nc_mod /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/include -fc ftn

Issuing command to the CICE configure utility:
/work/users/mad042/cam_standalone/models/ice/cice/bld/configure -hgrid 0.23x0.31 -cice_mode prescribed -ntr_aero 0 -ntr_pond 1 -ntr_iage 0 -ntasks 12 -nthreads 1 -cache config_cache_cice.xml -cachedir /work/mad042/cam_standalone/models/atm/cam/bld/test

set_horiz_grid: no match for hgrid 0.23x0.31
configure: CICE configure returned: 65280



The way that CICE configure finds horizontal grids has changed recently. What version of the code are you using (i.e. which version of CESM or CAM)?


The way that CICE configure finds horizontal grids has changed recently. What version of the code are you using (i.e. which version of CESM or CAM)?