New Member
I am trying to configure CAM4 at a horizontal resolution of ~25 km. The problem is that if the "-ice" flag is set to "cice", the configuration fails with a message "set_horiz_grid: no match for hgrid 0.23x0.31". But when I repeat the same with CAM5, it works fine. If I configure CAM4 with other ice options (csim4, sice and none), then also the configuring process goes well. The problem comes only if I use the prescribed sea-ice component with CAM4. Could someone comment on this issue?
Below is the command I'd issued to configure the model and the result;
configure -dyn fv -hgrid 0.23x0.31 -ntasks 12 -nosmp -test -ice cice -mpi_inc /opt/cray/mpt/5.5.4/gni/mpich2-pgi/119/include -mpi_lib /opt/cray/mpt/5.5.4/gni/mpich2-pgi/119/lib -nc_inc /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/include -nc_lib /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/lib -nc_mod /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/include -fc ftn
Issuing command to the CICE configure utility:
/work/users/mad042/cam_standalone/models/ice/cice/bld/configure -hgrid 0.23x0.31 -cice_mode prescribed -ntr_aero 0 -ntr_pond 1 -ntr_iage 0 -ntasks 12 -nthreads 1 -cache config_cache_cice.xml -cachedir /work/mad042/cam_standalone/models/atm/cam/bld/test
set_horiz_grid: no match for hgrid 0.23x0.31
configure: CICE configure returned: 65280
Below is the command I'd issued to configure the model and the result;
configure -dyn fv -hgrid 0.23x0.31 -ntasks 12 -nosmp -test -ice cice -mpi_inc /opt/cray/mpt/5.5.4/gni/mpich2-pgi/119/include -mpi_lib /opt/cray/mpt/5.5.4/gni/mpich2-pgi/119/lib -nc_inc /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/include -nc_lib /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/lib -nc_mod /opt/cray/netcdf/4.2.0/pgi/119/include -fc ftn
Issuing command to the CICE configure utility:
/work/users/mad042/cam_standalone/models/ice/cice/bld/configure -hgrid 0.23x0.31 -cice_mode prescribed -ntr_aero 0 -ntr_pond 1 -ntr_iage 0 -ntasks 12 -nthreads 1 -cache config_cache_cice.xml -cachedir /work/mad042/cam_standalone/models/atm/cam/bld/test
set_horiz_grid: no match for hgrid 0.23x0.31
configure: CICE configure returned: 65280