I ran a single-point, long-term time-series simulation in CLM5 using my own input data.
I made the following changes in env_run.xml:
Issue Description
The model ran successfully. However, when I loaded the output NetCDF file, I noticed that the time coordinate in the dataset spans from 2000 to 2086 (as shown in the attached figure).
Additionally, the simulated temperature suddenly decreases sharply after 15 years from the start of the simulation.
I am unsure what might be causing this issue. Could you please help me identify the problem?
Thank you!
I ran a single-point, long-term time-series simulation in CLM5 using my own input data.
I made the following changes in env_run.xml:
Additionally, I added the following input paths in user_nl_datm_streams:./xmlchange DATAM_MODE=CLM1PT
./xmlchange PTS_LAT=10.8785
./xmlchange PTS_LON=274.6594
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=86
./xmlchange DATM_YR_ALIGN=2015
./xmlchange DATM_YR_START=2100
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=2014
./xmlchange CLM_USRDAT_NAME=monthly370
./xmlchange CLM_USRDAT_DIR=/glade/derecho/scratch/lfu/ssp_atm_input/IPSL-CM6A-LR/CR_single_sites
Issue Description
The model ran successfully. However, when I loaded the output NetCDF file, I noticed that the time coordinate in the dataset spans from 2000 to 2086 (as shown in the attached figure).
Additionally, the simulated temperature suddenly decreases sharply after 15 years from the start of the simulation.
I am unsure what might be causing this issue. Could you please help me identify the problem?
Thank you!