I am running cam6_4_028 on Derecho, compset FWmaHIST.
I am encountering an issue where whatever avgflag_pertape setting I choose for a given history file I get both average and instant files written out. What's strange is that the output corresponding to my settings of choice contains the variables in fincl# = 'var1', 'var2', ... etc, in user_nl_cam, but the files written out for the settings I didn't choose don't contain any fincl# data, just the default "double variables" such as the pressure coefficients, date, time etc... I don't understand therefore why it's written out.
Is this an issue anyone else has faced? I'd be grateful for any help!
Note: the history files are written out with an "i" and an "a" character in their h# tag, i.e., fincl1 writes out h0i for an "I" setting, and h0a for an "A" setting. Both h0a and h0i files are written out regardless if avgflag_pertape one or the other setting.
I have pasted my user_nl_cam below
Thanks in advance!
I am encountering an issue where whatever avgflag_pertape setting I choose for a given history file I get both average and instant files written out. What's strange is that the output corresponding to my settings of choice contains the variables in fincl# = 'var1', 'var2', ... etc, in user_nl_cam, but the files written out for the settings I didn't choose don't contain any fincl# data, just the default "double variables" such as the pressure coefficients, date, time etc... I don't understand therefore why it's written out.
Is this an issue anyone else has faced? I'd be grateful for any help!
Note: the history files are written out with an "i" and an "a" character in their h# tag, i.e., fincl1 writes out h0i for an "I" setting, and h0a for an "A" setting. Both h0a and h0i files are written out regardless if avgflag_pertape one or the other setting.
I have pasted my user_nl_cam below
Thanks in advance!
! Users should add all user specific namelist changes below in the form of
! namelist_var = new_namelist_value
dust_emis_fact = 1.3
ncdata='/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/pel/inic/L135_ne30pg3_ne30pg3_mg17.cam.i.1979-01-11-00000.nc' ! TO start up with
! ncdata='/glade/derecho/scratch/mmkupilas/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_ne30pg3_mg17_L135.001/run/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_ne30pg3_mg17_L135.001.cam.i.2010-02-21-00000.nc'.
bnd_topo= '/glade/work/juliob/bndtopo/ne30pg3_gmted2010_modis_bedmachine_nc3000_Laplace0100_noleak_20240720.nc'
! interpolate_output = .true.
! interpolate_nlat = 192
! interpolate_nlon = 288
mfilt = 24
avgflag_pertape = 'I'
nhtfrq = -1
phys_grid_ctem_nfreq = -6 ! MMK "nfreq" bewteen TEM calculations
phys_grid_ctem_za_nlat = 90
phys_grid_ctem_zm_nbas = 120
! Uncomment this line if you want to turn-off the PBL-based moving mountain GWs
use_gw_movmtn_pbl = .false.
qbo_use_forcing = .false. ! TRUE implies qbo package is active.
use_gw_rdg_beta = .true.
use_gw_convect_dp = .true.
use_gw_front = .true.
effgw_beres_dp = 0.70D0 ! Efficiency associated with convective gravity waves from the Beres scheme (deep convection).
gw_qbo_hdepth_scaling = 0.25D0 ! Scaling factor for heating depth in gravity waves from convection. If less than 1.0 this acts as an effective reduction of the gravity wave phase speeds needed to drive the QBO.
effgw_cm = 1.0D0 ! Efficiency associated with gravity waves from frontogenesis.
effgw_rdg_beta = 1.2D0
effgw_rdg_beta_max = 1.2D0
gw_top_taper = .false. ! MMK Whether or not to apply tapering at the top of the model (above 0.6E-02 Pa) to reduce undesired effects of gravity waves in the thermosphere/ionosphere.
se_statefreq = 144
se_rsplit = 2
se_nsplit = 4