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Issues With Porting Guide


I have been working through the porting guide. First, I have been successful at running the test MPI program, the X configuration, and the X configuration with machine-specific options. From there, I have run into two issues. The User's Guide tells me: "You will want to start with an X (i.e. commonly referred to as dead) compset running at a low resolution. So you could, for instance, start with an X compset at resolution f45_g37. This will allow you to determine whether all prerequisite software is in place and working for a simple parallel CESM configuration that requires minimal input data. Once that is working move to an A compset with resolution f45_g37. Once that’s working, run a B compset at resolution f45_g37. Finally when all the previous steps have run correctly, run your target compset and resolution." I started by trying an A configuration with this script.> ./create_newcase -case /data/no_backup/heavens/CESM/casedir/testA -res T31 -compset A -mach aimproc1I then receive: "ERROR: 2000_DATM%NYF_DLND%NULL_DICE%SSMI_DOCN%DOM_DROF%NYF_SGLC_SWAV  is not supported for  a%4x5_l%4x5_oi%gx3v7_r%r05_m%gx3v7_g%null_w%null" I then tried AWAV.> /create_newcase -case /data/no_backup/heavens/CESM/casedir/testA -res f45_g37 -compset AWAV -mach aimproc1 "grid longname is f45_g37 Component set: longname (shortname) (alias)   2000_DATM%WW3_DLND%NULL_DICE%COPY_DOCN%COPY_DROF%NULL_SGLC_WW3 (A2000_W) (AWAV) Component set Description:   DATM: DLND: DROF: DICE: DOCN: SGLC: WW3: present day: dlnd modes are DLND_SNO_MODE=NULL, DLND_MODE=NULL: NULL drof mode: dice mode is copy: docn copy mode: Grid:   a%4x5_l%4x5_oi%gx3v7_r%r05_m%gx3v7_g%null_w%null (4x5_gx3v7)   ATM_GRID = 4x5  NX_ATM=72 NY_ATM=46   LND_GRID = 4x5  NX_LND=72 NX_LND=46   ICE_GRID = gx3v7  NX_ICE=100 NX_ICE=116   OCN_GRID = gx3v7  NX_OCN=100 NX_OCN=116   ROF_GRID = r05  NX_ROF=720 NX_ROF=360   GLC_GRID = 4x5  NX_GLC=72 NX_GLC=46   WAV_GRID = null  NX_WAV=0 NX_WAV=0 Grid Description:   null is no grid: 4x5 is FV 4-deg grid: gx3v7 is Greenland pole v7 3-deg grid: r05 is 1/2 degree river routing grid: Non-Default Options:   ATM_NCPL: 48   BUDGETS: FALSE   CCSM_BGC: none   CCSM_CCOST: -3   CCSM_CO2_PPMV: 367.0   COMP_ATM: datm   COMP_GLC: sglc   COMP_ICE: dice   COMP_LND: dlnd   COMP_OCN: docn   COMP_ROF: drof   COMP_WAV: ww3   CPL_ALBAV: false   CPL_EPBAL: off   DATM_MODE: WW3   DATM_PRESAERO: none   DICE_MODE: copyall   DLND_MODE: NULL   DLND_SNO_MODE: NULL   DOCN_MODE: copyall   DROF_MODE: NULL   OCN_NCPL: $ATM_NCPL   OCN_TIGHT_COUPLING: FALSE   ROF_NCPL: $ATM_NCPL   SCIENCE_SUPPORT: NO   SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME: $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/sst/   SSTICE_GRID_FILENAME: $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/ocnfrac/  The PE layout for this case match these options:GRID =  a%4x5Creating /data/no_backup/heavens/CESM/casedir/testA cp: cannot stat `/data/no_backup/heavens/CESM/cesm1_2_2/models/wav/ww3/bld/*build*.csh': No such file or directoryERROR: cp -p /data/no_backup/heavens/CESM/cesm1_2_2/models/wav/ww3/bld/*build*.csh /data/no_backup/heavens/CESM/casedir/testA/Buildconf/. failed: 256" There is no ww3 directory in the release! Then I tried the first test case in Step 3.> ./create_test -testname ERS_D.f19_g16.X.aimproc1 -testid t01  "** Directory baselineroot does NOT exist (UNSET)" Has anyone encountered these problems? Found any workarounds? I am now going to try a bog standard B case (B_1850_CN at 0.9x1.25_gx1v6) in the hope that this functions.    