Recently ,I made lake simulations using clm4.5 I want to simulate lake surface temperature , but I don't know which variable i should use float TLAKE(time, levlak, lat, lon)levlak = 0.05, 0.6, 2.1, 4.6, 8.1, 12.6, 18.6, 25.6, 34.325, 44.775I want to know whether surface temperature is very close to the first layer temperature . I used this variable and compared the result with modis then found there is difference that is nearly 2 degree .Then I found the variable float TH2OSFC(time, lat, lon) ;TH2OSFC:long_name = "surface water temperature" but the result is also bad .Now i just want to know which variable can stand for the surface temperature of lakes . Then i will check the data . Please help me and thanks a lot !