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Last Millennium 850AD­1849 Setup: Instructions for using the B1850C5CN Compset

Hello Im trying to setup the Last   Millennium   850AD­1849 run with CESM1.2.2 on the German supercomputer.I have the instructions for this setup avaiable from online.Do i need to download the individual datasets and files for this run or does it retrieve them itself?For example:Edit     user_nl_cam       (PATH   =   /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata)
Note:     solar_data_ymd   needs   to   be   set   to   the   default   value   of   zero   for   a   transient
solar_data_type =   'SERIAL'
     solar_data_ymd     =   0 bndtvghg
I also tried:  ./check_input_data -inputdata /gfs2/work/hbksnand/cesm1_2_2/inputdata -export
Input Data List Files Found:
svn: warning: W160013: URL '' non-existent in revision 25439
svn: E200009: Could not list all targets because some targets don't exist
File was not found in svn repo:‐

 IM not sure how to point the input data to download.Any suggestions?