New Member
Dear all, In RRTMG of CAM5, the ice radiative properties seem to be got directly from CAM in the default simulation. And there are some options “inflgsw”, “iceflgsw” and “liqflgsw” in code used to select different parameterizations of cloud ice and liquid optical depth. Then I tried to change the values of these options in the code to use the Fu parameterization for ice cloud and Hu et al for liquid cloud. But the result of it is quite different from the default simulation. Some even seem to be very strange. In the description of RRTMG_SW, it says, ‘The optical properties of water clouds are calculated for each spectral band from the Hu and Stamnes parameterization. The optical properties of ice clouds are calculated for each spectral band from the Fu parameterization, which assumes the ice crystals are hexagonal and randomly-oriented in space.’ But from the source code, it seems the cloud properties are not parameterized in that ways. Have anyone encountered the similar question? Hope someone can solve my doubt.Thank you very much! Jocelyn