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Loss term of MARBL

Dong-Geon Lee

Dong-Geon Lee
New Member
Hello :)
I am studying Plankton Functional Types (PFTs) using the CESM2 model.
According to Long et al 2021, there are three loss terms of chlorophyll, G(P'), mTP', and A(P'). Do these things mean Grazing, Mortality, and Aggregation, respectively?
Also, does P' refer to d(Chl)/dt?
Then, diatom Chlorophyll as an example, does loss term indicate the variables name of graze_diat_zint_100m / mortality x temp x P' / diat_agg_100m??


Kristen Krumhardt
New Member
Hi! So grazing, mortality, aggregation are the phytoplankton loss terms in CESM2-MARBL. However, these are applied to phytoplankton carbon so P' is phytoplankton carbon. There are variable Carbon to Chl ratios in MARBL so the loss rate of chlorophyll depends on the C:Chl ratio in the phytoplankton (which is dicatated by light conditions; phytoplankton synthesize more chlorophyll under low light conditions).