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mandatory forcing variables to drive CLM5


I am in the process of generating our in-house future forcing data set to run CLM5, based on the statistical downscaling method. So far I have only used the provided forcing data sets (i.e. GSWP3). I am just wondering what are the mandatory variables to drive CLM5 among the commonly used 7 variables: tbot (air temperature), prectmms (precipitation), FSDS (solar radiation), wind (wind speed), QBOT( specific humidity), FLDS (longwave radiation), PSRF(surface pressure). As I recall, in the previous CLM versions, you don't have to have all the seven variables as input as some variables can be derived inside the codes. I am trying to look into the source codes, but am unable to find out the answer.

Any information is appreciated.



Dr. Oleson,

I checked the link, just have one question:

Isn't PSRF required to derive the atmospheric vapor pressure
according to (2.33.10)? vapor pressure is also used to derive the FLDS if we don't provide FLDS.




OK. I see the following:

If not provided by the user, the atmospheric pressure
(Pa) is set equal to the standard atmospheric pressure
P_{std} =101325
Pa, and surface pressure
(Pa) is set equal to


qian yang

qian yang
dear oleson
I have a question that In the GSWP3 datasets, does solar radiation (The total solar radiation) refer to solar shortwave radiation, or solar shortwave radiation plus solar long wave radiation? I don't know much about atmosphere and would like to consult you.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Solar radiation is divided into two broad spectral bands, the visible waveband at wavelengths less than 0.7 micrometers and the near-infrared waveband at wavelengths greater than 0.7 micrometers. It does not include longwave radiation which is at wavebands greater than 4 micrometers. See here for a discussion of GSWP3 forcing data:
