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Merging WRF initial conditions with existing finidat file | LILAC error when reading ESMFmesh file


Carter Watson
New Member
Good afternoon everyone,

I am having two small issues running WRF-CTSM at the moment:
  1. As seen at the bottom of the page here (section, there is an ncl file that allows the initial conditions established in the wrfinput file to be combined with an existing finidat file. However, this script is still unavailable. If possible, can someone please make this publicly available?
  2. When I start a WRF-CTSM run (finidat = UNSET), it crashes after a couple of seconds and, in the rsl.out.0000 file, I get the following error below. The peculiar thing is that the mesh file worked successfully when making the fsurfdat file, so I am unsure what the issue is. Perhaps lilac is expecting longitudes between 0° and 360°, while "tools/site_and_regional/mesh_maker" operates between -180° and 180°. If this is the case, is there an ncl or python script that can adjust my mesh file appropriately? I would be happy to send the mesh file if need be. I appreciate all the help and support you all have provided thus far.
(lilac_atmcap_init):Mesh for atmosphere is created for /opt/home/cwat/WRF/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/
ERROR: lilac_atmcap: n, lon, mesh_lon = 1 268.4401855469 -91.5598144531
ERROR: Unknown error submitted to shr_abort_abort.


1. I copied all my versions of the file to our anonymous ftp site:

login: anonymous
passwd: your email address
cd /pub/slevis/for_cwatson

2. I am unable to help with this one, sorry.


Carter Watson
New Member
Hi Dr. Levis--thank you so much for the NCL files. However, I am running into an issue using them. I get errors when running all of them. I am mostly focused on the "transfer_wrfinput_to_ctsm_nwp_fast_w_snow.ncl" script. I am getting the following error:

fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #2
fatal:An error occurred reading wrf_TSLB
fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 196 in file transfer_wrfinput_to_ctsm_nwp_fast_w_snow.ncl

Line 196 in the NCL file is "ctsm_T_SOISNO(icol,5:8) = (/ wrf_TSLB(:,jlookup,ilookup) /)," so I assume it is an issue with "jlookup," a variable I am unfamiliar with. Could you perhaps provide some insight on how I might be able to address this issue? I am unable to run WRF-CTSM at the moment without a defined finidat file with conditions interpolated from the wrfinput file because there is a singular pixel that WRF is reading as land, while CTSM is reading as ocean. The output on the model run, and the "transfer_wrfinput_to_ctsm_nwp_fast_w_snow.ncl" file is attached.


Reporting on the problem with the mesh files, LILAC does indeed require longitudes to be between 0° and 360°. Using the following NCO line (I'm putting it here if anybody in the future has this problem), I was able to fix it:

ncap2 -s 'nodeCoords(:,0)=nodeCoords(:,0)+360.0*(nodeCoords(:,0) < 0.0)' -O


  • transfer_wrfinput_to_ctsm_nwp_fast_w_snow.txt
    15 KB · Views: 0
  • rsl.out.0000.txt
    189.8 KB · Views: 0


Unfortunately I am equally unfamiliar. I last worked with wrf-clm several years ago, so it would take me a while to wrap my head around all this. Also we do not support wrf-clm.