The Specified Chemistry version of WACCM is discussed in the paper referenced below. There are two input files that prescribe heating rates and gases. You may only need to change one or both of these files listed in your namelist:prescribed_ozone_file: This is the ozone, generally output from a previous WACCM run, that drives the radiation code in the lower atmosphere (CAM-RT for CAM4, RRTMG for CAM5).waccm_forcing_file: This file includes gases that are radiatively important in the upper atmosphere (CO2, H, NO, O, O2, O3), as well as the merged SW heating, QRS_TOT=QRS+QCP+QRS_EUV+QRS_CO2NIR+QRS_AUR+QTHERMAL So you don't need to make code changes to change heating rates. Changing LW cooling would involve changing the relevant gases in the regions you are interested in.Smith, K. L., R. R. Neely III, D. R. Marsh, and L. M. Polvani (2014), The Specified Chemistry Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (SC-WACCM), J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 6(3), 883–901, doi:10.1002/2014MS000346.