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Mismatch between variable print in FatesHistoryInterfaceMod.F90 and output file

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Marius Lambert
New Member

I am trying to add a site_pft variable in FatesHistoryInterfaceMod.F90.
Unfortunately, when I ncdump the 12 hourly outputed variable it does not correspond to the value it should be.
However, the value is right when I print it in at the place where it is weighted. Exemple, if there is only one cohort and one pft, then number_fraction_pft=1, hio_hard_level_pft=ccohort%hard_level=-2, but in the output file, HARDINESS=-1

I copied below a part of the relevant code but the github file can be found here:
I also added a picture of an ncdump on the variable and a the log file with the corresponding prints.

I would be very thankful if anyone has suggestions to explore or a clue of what is going on.
Thanks in advance,

Marius Lambert, University of Oslo

!____________________________CODE in History file____________________
ipft = ccohort%pft
number_fraction_pft = (ccohort%n / ncohort_pft(ipft))

hio_hard_level_pft(io_si,ipft) = hio_hard_level_pft(io_si,ipft) + ccohort%hard_level * number_fraction_pft

write(fates_log(),*) 'check1',number_fraction_pft
write(fates_log(),*) 'check2',ccohort%hard_level ,hio_hard_level_pft(io_si,ipft)


  • lnd.log.3554735.210922-113454.gz
    928.1 KB · Views: 0


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I would recommend that you post this message as an open issue on the FATES github page.

Issues · NGEET/fates

there has been work ongoing about summary of output, so there are a number of folks who can comment directly to it.
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