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MOAR atmospheric forcing data on Yellowstone

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Dear all,
I need to run an off-line simulation using the MOAR (CMIP5-CCSM4) atmospheric forcing on Yellowstone. Does anyone know where the data is stored?Configuration with
does not seem to provide the correct path (I'm using CESM1.0.3 for this simulation); it provide the old path on Bluefire (/glade/data01/CMIP5/CCSM/csm/b40.20th.track1.1deg.012/cpl/hist/).
Best regards,


Everything from this case (and all such cases) is stored on the HPSS. The directory corresponding to the above-mentioned path is/CCSM/csm/b40.20th.track1.1deg.012.
Thank you, Mai!But they are in HPSS; I guess I can't use these files directly as atmospheric forcing for off-line simulations. I wonder if there are any plans to make copies within the glade file system.


You can make them available directly on the glade file system. Example:% cd /glade/scratch/ksa% mkdir -p b40.20th.track1.1deg.012/cpl/hist% hsi 'cd /CCSM/csm/b40.20th.track1.1deg.012/cpl/hist ; get b40.20th.track1.1deg.012.cpl.ha2x3h.19{73,74,75,76,77,78,79}-{01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12}.nc' Then change the path:/glade/data01/CMIP5/CCSM/csm to /glade/scratch/ksa in your CPLHIST* files.


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Koichi There is a bunch of MOAR datasets already on disk on yellowstone under... /glade/p/cesm/shared_outputdata/cases/ccsm4 Note, there is a directory for ccsm3, ccsm4, and cesm1.
Thank you both for your replies.
Fortunately I found CCSM4 coupler outputs, with the same case name as those I used to force the off-line CLM on Bluefire, in the following directory: /glade/p/cesm/shared_outputdata/cases/ccsm4/b40.20th.track1.1deg.012/cpl/hist I will try running a simulation using this path. If I encounter any problems, I will post then later. Thank you two again for your help. Koichi
Hi Koichi,I was wondering if you can help me figure out how to run with MOAR atmospheric forcing on Yellowstone? I am using following scripts to generate my case../create_newcase -case ~/cases/moar -res f09_g16 -compset I1850CLM45 -mach yellowstone_intel -pts_lat 36.28 -pts_lon -78.75 In my env_run.xml, I made following changes.DATM_MODE="CPLHIST3HrWx"DATM_CPLHIST_CASE ="b40.20th.track1.1deg.012" DATM_CPLHIST_YR_ALIGN="1" DATM_CPLHIST_YR_START="1850" DATM_CPLHIST_YR_END="2005"  But my run stops with exit code 255cesm.log file outputs(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  1 GLOBAL          ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  2 CPL             ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID ( 17 ATM             ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)…………….…………….…………….(shr_sys_abort) ERROR: (shr_stream_init) ERROR: exceeded max number of files(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stoppingMPI_Abort: error code = 1001


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You could try this in shr_stream_mod.F90:!KO   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: nFileMax = 1000  ! max number of files
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: nFileMax = 2000  ! max number of files

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