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Model CAM missing file

Jay Zhu

Hi all,

I want to run a scenario of BSSP585 using a 2-deg grid. Does the compset BSSP585cmip6 run at a 2-deg resolution?

And when I './check_input_data', it tells me that model CAM missing aircraft_co2_file of 2deg version (, but I cannot find it on the website Is there any solution?



Courtney Peverley
Hi Jay,

There is a known issue with the path for this file. The fix is in the pipeline, but in the meantime, you can manually change the path and it should work.

In $CESM/components/cam/bld/namelist_files/use_cases/ssp585_cam6_xml change line 81:

<aircraft_co2_file hgrid="1.9x2.5"></aircraft_co2_file>
<aircraft_co2_file hgrid="1.9x2.5">atm/cam/ggas/</aircraft_co2_file>

And then rebuild your case.

Let me know if you have any other issues or if this doesn't work.


Jay Zhu

Hi Jay,

There is a known issue with the path for this file. The fix is in the pipeline, but in the meantime, you can manually change the path and it should work.

In $CESM/components/cam/bld/namelist_files/use_cases/ssp585_cam6_xml change line 81:


And then rebuild your case.

Let me know if you have any other issues or if this doesn't work.

Hi Courtney,

Thanks for your reply!

Do you have the file ? I think I may be missing this nc file . I can't find it in either input path. And I did not find this nc file in




Courtney Peverley
Yep! You're right. We're missing 1.9x2.5. I will ask around and let you know by mid next week if we can find/generate that file and put it on the server.

Zhuo Zhang

Zhang Zhuo
New Member
Yep! You're right. We're missing 1.9x2.5. I will ask around and let you know by mid next week if we can find/generate that file and put it on the server.
Hi Courtney,

I meet a similar problem when I run BSSP585 using f19_g16 grid, the file (/inputdata/atm/cam/ggas/ and (/inputdata/atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_MAGPIE-ssp585_201401-210112_fv_1.9x2.5_c20190207.txt) are missing and I can not find them on the download website. There are similar files but for 0.9x1.25 on the website. What can I do about it?

Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

Zhuo Zhang

Zhang Zhuo
New Member
The files should be there now. Let me know if you have any trouble.

Hi Courtney,

Thanks for your help!

I have downloaded required inputdata files successfully!
And I also want to know if NCAR will provide the restart files of 2015? Restart files of 1950-01-01 are available on the website( https://svn-ccsm-inputdata.cgd.ucar...f19_g17.CMIP6-historical-2deg.001/1950-01-01/). But I want to use similar files( BHIST and f19_g16) of 2015-01-01 to restart cesm2, will you provide these files? haha, although this may be a strange question, I think 2015 is a frequently used time point for model experiments.

Thanks again!

I've just hit the same problem for aircraft emissions for SSP585 at f19_g17 resoln using CESM 2.1.5 on archer2 -- the UK's national super-computer. Same fix as suggested above worked. Hopefully, the fix can get rolled into the appropriate base configuration.
The case was created via: ${CIMEROOT}/scripts/create_newcase --compset BSSP585cmip6 --res f19_g17 --walltime 00:20:00 --project ta167 --machine archer2 --case test_ssp585 --run-unsupported
