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Modified CAM3+SOM with prescribed wind speed

I am attempting to run an experiment where the surface wind speed is prescribed but only over the ocean. After thinking of how to do this the quickest, I came up with:

1. creating a [12 x lat x lon] wind speed initial file
2. following the routine the CAM+SOM uses for calculating the Qflux, which is interpolated to the required time step.
3. making changes to the appropriate "physical" modules where I want my prescribed wind speed used.

After making changes to a few of the already existing modules and subroutines, I had to create the new "wndini.F90" and "wndint.F90" which closely mimic the "somini.F90" and "somint.F90" code. I've also added a "bndtvw" variable in the namelist that is similar to the "bndtvs" for sst data. However, when attempting to run, I'm getting the following error:


Successfully initialized variables for accumulation

Attempting to initialize time variant variables
Reading initial data from initial dataset
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using SPMDBUF: Allocating SPMD buffers of size 1790992
INIDAT: ocnfrac= 1.000000000000000
aerosol_init: using namelist value for carscl, or default
aerosol_init: Using sulfate from cyclic climatology
INITEXT: ocnfrac= 1.000000000000000
p1_3086: p4_error: interrupt SIGSEGV: 11
rm_l_1_3087: (24.722656) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32

Attempting to read monthly vegetation data .....
nstep = 0 month = 1 day = 1
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using
Successfully read monthly vegetation data for
month 12 and month 1

Successfully initialized time variant variables

Successfully initialized the land model
begin initial run at:
nstep= 0 year= 1950 month= 1 day=
1 seconds= 0


SOMINI: Read som data for date (yyyymmdd) 1216 sec 43200
SOMINI: Read som data for date (yyyymmdd) 116 sec 43200
WNDINI: Read som data for date (yyyymmdd) 1216 sec 43200
WNDINI: Read som data for date (yyyymmdd) 116 sec 43200
INITEXT: ocnfrac= 0.000000000000000
nstep, te 0 3315232413.739187 0.000000000000000
0.000000000000000 98449.19911253981
p1_3086: (24.722656) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32


Any ideas on whats causing this?
I solved my own issue. To add a new variable, I decided to add the variable to the existing bndtvs file in the namelist. Then, I followed the procedure that CAM+SOM uses to read in and interpolate QFlux. In all, I had to modify the following subroutines / modules:

What a wonderful work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you give some details ,or post me the program you changed .
My email