I've successfully ported and built a CESM2.1.1 case on my local cluster and would like to run it (well, submit it). I am familiar with CESM1.2 where all the batch settings could be added/modified to the case.run script, and I could specify the batch submit type with ./xmlchange BATCHSUBMIT=sbatch.
For CESM2.1.1, there is no case.run script, there is no variable BATCHSUBMIT, but moreover, I don't see all the variables I would need to modify in env_batch.xml. Can anybody tell me how I would go about setting up a slurm job for CESM2.1.1?
For example, setting these types of options:
#SBATCH --partition=main
#SBATCH --requeue
#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=24
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=124000
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --output=/scratch/krc139/cesm1_2_2/cases/test.1/ascii_output/slurm.%N.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=/scratch/krc139/cesm1_2_2/cases/test.1/ascii_output/slurm.%N.%j.err
#SBATCH --export=ALL
I've successfully ported and built a CESM2.1.1 case on my local cluster and would like to run it (well, submit it). I am familiar with CESM1.2 where all the batch settings could be added/modified to the case.run script, and I could specify the batch submit type with ./xmlchange BATCHSUBMIT=sbatch.
For CESM2.1.1, there is no case.run script, there is no variable BATCHSUBMIT, but moreover, I don't see all the variables I would need to modify in env_batch.xml. Can anybody tell me how I would go about setting up a slurm job for CESM2.1.1?
For example, setting these types of options:
#SBATCH --partition=main
#SBATCH --requeue
#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=24
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=124000
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --output=/scratch/krc139/cesm1_2_2/cases/test.1/ascii_output/slurm.%N.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=/scratch/krc139/cesm1_2_2/cases/test.1/ascii_output/slurm.%N.%j.err
#SBATCH --export=ALL