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module purge


Neil Tandon
In order to properly purge modules on my system, I have to use the --force argument, i.e.

module --force purge

Is there a way to tell config_machines.xml to pass the --force option to the module purge command? This will help prevent errors when I run create_test, as it seems that create_test generates errors whenever there is harmless output from the module command about replacing modules.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I can't think of a way to get it to use the --force flag, but we have a workaround for the harmless output problem -
in your config_machines.xml In the <module_system> tag for your machine add the modifier allow_error="true":

<module_system type="module" allow_error="true">

If you really need the --force flag you can try modifying the purge command name as
<command name="--force purge"/>
but I haven't tested that and am not sure if it'll work.


Neil Tandon
Thanks! <command name="--force purge"/> doesn't work (I had tried that before too, haha), but allow_error="true" resolves the issue.