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Momentum flux output

 Dear allI am performing a simulation with WACCM, using the CESM 1.0.4. Does anyone know which parameter gives the atmospheric momentum flux? Thank you in advance,Beth


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Are you referring to momentum flux associated with gravity waves (GW), or momentum exchange at the surface?GW parameterization momentum fluxes (stresses) at the source (which is the surface only forthe orographic fluxes):TAUGWX(lat,lon, time)N/m2Zonal gravity wave surface stressTAUGWY(lat,lon, time)N/m2Meridional gravity wave surface stressStresses in the interior of the model. NB: Charron-Mancini stresses are those associated with the frontal parameterization, and Beres stresses are those associated with deep convection):TAUORO(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2 Reynolds stress of orographic GWTAUE(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2 Charron-Mancini Eastward Reynolds stress TAUW(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2 Charron-Mancini Westward Reynolds stress TAUN(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2 Charron-Mancini Northward Reynolds stress TAUS(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2 Charron-Mancini Southward Reynolds stressBTAUE(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2Beres Eastward Reynolds stressBTAUW(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2 Beres Westward Reynolds stress BTAUN(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2 Beres Northward Reynolds stress BTAUS(time, ilev, lat, lon) N/m2 Beres Southward Reynolds stressIn addition, the following fields have to do with surface stresses. They have nothing to do with the GW parameterization:TAUTMSX(lat,lon, time)N/m2Zonal turbulent mountain surface stressTAUTMSY(lat,lon, time)N/m2Meridional turbulent mountain surface stressTAUX(lat,lon, time)N/m2Zonal surface stressTAUY(lat,lon, time)N/m2Meridional surface stress 
Dear Mike Mills,About the momentum flux, I noticed that the WACCM output history list has variables like EMF, WMF, SMF, NMF, and BEMF, BWMF, BSMF, BNMF. Their long names are "Westward MF" and "Beres Westward MF". I want to ask about what is the difference between these "MFs" and the "TAUs" you mentioned above.Best Regards,Bing Cao