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Mpi Problem


I am using cam3.0 on linux cluster. When i compile it using pgf90 on single node then it works. But when i use mpi for multi nodes it is not working. Can you check here is the problem.

here is the script for my experiment setup

setenv INC_MPI /opt/mpich/ch-p4/include
setenv LIB_MPI /opt/mpich/ch-p4/lib64
setenv INC_NETCDF /usr/local/include
setenv LIB_NETCDF /usr/local/lib
setenv USER_FC mpif90
setenv USER_CC mpicc

set mpirun = /opt/mpich/ch-p4/bin/mpirun

limit stacksize unlimited
setenv CSMDATA /hpc/home/sislam/cam/inputdata
set camroot = /hpc/home/sislam/cam/cam1
set case = camrun0
set runtype = initial
set nelapse = -5

set wrkdir = /hpc/home/sislam/cam/cam_runs
set blddir = $wrkdir/$case/bld
set rundir = $wrkdir/$case
set cfgdir = $camroot/models/atm/cam/bld

mkdir -p $rundir
mkdir -p $blddir

cd $blddir
$cfgdir/configure -spmd -test

rm -f Depends

cd $blddir
$cfgdir/build-namelist -s -case $case -runtype $runtype -o $rundir/namelist -namelist "&camexp nelapse=$nelapse mss_irt=0 /"

cd $rundir
$mpirun -np 4 $blddir/cam < namelist

here is the error msg.
Makefile:1083: /hpc/u2/sislam/cam/cam_runs/camrun0/bld/Depends: No such file or directory
/hpc/home/sislam/cam/cam1/models/atm/cam/bld/mkSrcfiles > /hpc/u2/sislam/cam/cam_runs/camrun0/bld/Srcfiles
/hpc/home/sislam/cam/cam1/models/atm/cam/bld/mkDepends Filepath Srcfiles > /hpc/u2/sislam/cam/cam_runs/camrun0/bld/Depends
cd /hpc/home/sislam/cam/cam1/models/utils/esmf;
echo "Build the ESMF library.";
echo "ESMF is NOT supported by the CCSM project, but by the ESMF core team in NCAR/SCD";
echo "See";
gmake -j 1 BOPT=O ESMF_BUILD=/hpc/u2/sislam/cam/cam_runs/camrun0/bld/esmf ESMF_DIR=/hpc/home/sislam/cam/cam1/models/utils/esmf ESMF_ARCH=;
Build the ESMF library.
ESMF is NOT supported by the CCSM project, but by the ESMF core team in NCAR/SCD
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/hpc/u2/sislam/cam/cam1/models/utils/esmf'
makefile:15: /hpc/home/sislam/cam/cam1/models/utils/esmf/build//base: No such file or directory
gmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `/hpc/home/sislam/cam/cam1/models/utils/esmf/build//base'. Stop.
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/hpc/u2/sislam/cam/cam1/models/utils/esmf'
gmake: *** [/hpc/u2/sislam/cam/cam_runs/camrun0/bld/esmf/lib/libO//libesmf.a] Error 2