I am trying to run ctsm5.1.dev113 in offline mode using ARISE data for two cases to see the impact of ozone on plants. One case is control case in SSP2.45 climate (/glade/work/jyotis/O3_CLM5/O3_cases/b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006) and another one is experiment case with ARISE data (/glade/work/jyotis/O3_CLM5/O3_cases/b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006_hourlyO3) and atmospheric ozone input (hourly) with ozone damage function turned on. Both cases are failing with ths error message in cesm.log of case "b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006_hourlyO3" is:
-1:MPT ERROR: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 8 has terminated without calling MPI_Finalize()
-1: aborting job
The error message for the case "b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006" in cesm.log file is:
155:libc-2.22.so 00002B2040CF5A35 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
155:cesm.exe 0000000000414F29 Unknown Unknown Unknown
465:MPT ERROR: Rank 465(g:465) is aborting with error code 1001.
465: Process ID: 59152, Host: r5i6n1, Program: /glade/scratch/jyotis/b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006/bld/cesm.exe
465: MPT Version: HPE MPT 2.22 03/31/20 15:59:10
465:MPT: --------stack traceback-------
I am not able figure out the reason of failing the simulation. In case "b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006_hourlyO3" the case run folder in scratch
"/glade/scratch/jyotis/b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006_hourlyO3/run" contains the history files.
-1:MPT ERROR: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 8 has terminated without calling MPI_Finalize()
-1: aborting job
The error message for the case "b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006" in cesm.log file is:
155:libc-2.22.so 00002B2040CF5A35 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
155:cesm.exe 0000000000414F29 Unknown Unknown Unknown
465:MPT ERROR: Rank 465(g:465) is aborting with error code 1001.
465: Process ID: 59152, Host: r5i6n1, Program: /glade/scratch/jyotis/b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006/bld/cesm.exe
465: MPT Version: HPE MPT 2.22 03/31/20 15:59:10
465:MPT: --------stack traceback-------
I am not able figure out the reason of failing the simulation. In case "b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006_hourlyO3" the case run folder in scratch
"/glade/scratch/jyotis/b.e21.BW.f09_g17.SSP245-TSMLT-GAUSS-DEFAULT.006_hourlyO3/run" contains the history files.